[Open enrollment] Non-Degree Program “Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up”
Press release


We are pleased to announce that the Shizenkan University is now accepting applications for non-degree students.


Application Guidelines


[Non-degree program]

The non-degree program is a system that allows non-Master’s students to take some of the courses offered by Shizenkan’s Professional Master’s Program on a course-by-course basis. Students who complete the coursework can earn credits. The course being offered this time is “Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up” Other courses will be offered in the future (please refer to the bottom of this page).




[Course description]

Shizenkan University offers a non-degree, credited course, [Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up]. You will take the course along with Shizenkan’s MBA students and receive credits and a certificate upon completion.

The Entrepreneurship course focuses on the process of converting an opportunity into a profitable and sustainable new business. Addressing new markets and building an organization may seem challenging for participants whose professional experience is mostly with established firms. By placing participants in the role of the entrepreneur, the course enables students to learn how to apply and feel comfortable with a range of entrepreneurial ways of thinking and acting. The sessions will provide learnings and frameworks that participants can use in venture projects and their future careers.




nagao shun
Associate Prof. Shunsuke Nagao
Vice President, Shizenkan University




Course name Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up
Course period November 10th, 2024 – December 22nd, 2024
Language English
Number of slots Approximately 2 
Format On campus (in person) and online
Deadline for the application Thursday, October 17th, 2024 by 12:00pm (JST)
Number of credit 2 credits
Selection period Fri, Oct 18th – Tue, Oct 22nd, 2024 (Document screening and interview)
Fees 230,000 JPY (Enrollment fee of 30,000 JPY and Tuition fee of 200,000 JPY)



[Voicies from the past program participants]

“The class was very demanding but inspirational, exciting and insightful at the same time, giving students a great opportunity to learn the firsthand information and the latest trends of Japanese startups through the professor and guest speakers.”(Class of 2024)
“Thank you very much for the amazing lectures. It was a great opportunity for me to learn and brush up my idea.”(Class of 2024)
“True life experience sharing is invaluable. I gained many knowledge on what to do, what not to do.” (Class of 2024)



[Class schedule]

Session 1 Sunday, November 10, 08:45-12:15 (JST) @Campus Introduction to the Entrepreneur Course and the Entrepreneurial Journey
Session 2 Sunday, November 17, 08:45-12:15 (JST) @Zoom Fostering an Entrepreneurial Mindset and Core Skills
Session 3 Sunday, November 24, 08:45-12:15 (JST) @Campus Your first 90 days and How to Prepare for it
Session 4 Saturday, November 30, 08:45-12:15 (JST) @Zoom Fund Raising, KPIs, Unit Economics and Brushing Your Business Model
Session 5 Sunday, December 8, 08:45-12:15 (JST) @Campus Dialogue with Entrepreneur off Campus
Session 6 Sunday, December 15, 08:45-12:15 (JST) @Campus Brushing your Venture Pitch Through a Dry Run
Session 7 Sunday, December 22, 08:45-12:15 (JST) @Campus Final Venture Pitch


Register now



[Other Non-degree Courses Offerings]

Course Name Language Course Start Date Announcement Period
社会イノベーション創出の挑戦 Japanese Nov.-Dec. 2024 Sep. 2024
Challenge of Driving Social Innovation English Nov.-Dec. 2024 Sep. 2024
Global Management: Strategy, Organization and Leadership English Jan.-Mar. 2025 Nov.2024
リーダーシップと交渉学 Japanese Jan.-Mar. 2025 Nov.2024
Leadership and Negotiation English Jan.-Mar. 2025 Nov.2024



Contact us
Admissions Office, Graduate School of Leadership & Innovation, Shizenkan University
Address: Nihonbashi Takashimaya Mitsui Building 17F
2-5-1 Nihonbashi Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-6117 Japan
E-mail: admissions-non-degree@shizenkan.ac.jp




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