[Open enrollment] Non-Degree Program “Challenge of Driving Social Innovation”
Press release


We are pleased to announce that Shizenkan University is now accepting applications for non-degree students.


Application Guidelines


[Non-degree program]

The non-degree program is a system that allows non-Master’s students to take some of the courses offered by Shizenkan’s Professional Master’s Program on a course-by-course basis. Students who complete the coursework can earn credits. The course being offered this time is “Challenge of Driving Social Innovation” Other courses will be offered in the future (please refer to the bottom of this page).



[Course description]

In this course, students will explore the intrinsic significance and value of creating, sustaining, and scaling social impact, as well as the methods used to do so. Further, we will discuss what roles “social-impact-first” organizations like nonprofit organizations (NPOs) and social businesses play in society and how they can contribute to maximize social impact. This will be achieved by examining case studies and taking part in discussions with leading social entrepreneurs.



Prof. Masataka Uo Vice President, Shizenkan University

Director of the Center for Impact Economy at Shizenkan University



[Guest Speakers]

Yusuke Matsuda Founder, Teach for Japan
Tomo Hamakawa Founder and CXO, Earth Company, Indonesia





Course name Challenge of Driving Social Innovation
Course period Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 – Saturday, December 14th, 2024
Language English
Number of slots Approximately 2 
Format On campus (in person) and online
Deadline for the application Thursday, October 17th, 2024 by 12:00pm
Number of credit 1 credits
Selection period Friday, October 18th – Thursday, October 24th (Document screening and interview)
Fees 130,000 JPY (Non-Degree Program registration fee of 30,000 JPY and Tuition fee of 100,000 JPY)



[Voices from the past program participants]

“Thank you for the opportunity, It’s been an incredible learning experience. I appreciated the exposure to both theoretical and practical aspects of working in the plural sector. The course was facilitated in a very efficient and effective manner. I truly enjoyed every single class.” (Class of 2024)
“This was definitely a well-structured course. The discussion times, though short, were very insightful.The current set of speakers, and cases, allowed me to gain new perspectives, especially one’s stemming from Japanese social-cultural context.” (Class of 2024)



[Class schedule]

Session 1 Saturday, November 2, 2024, 13:00-16:15 @Campus Why do Nonprofit Organizations and Social Businesses Matter in Our Society?
Session 2 Saturday, November 9, 13:00-16:15 @Zoom Empathy and Social Innovation
Session 3 Saturday, November 16, 13:00-16:15 @Zoom Scaling and Managing Social Innovation :Dragon or Phenix?
Session 4 Saturday, November 23, 13:00-16:15 @Zoom Managing Global Innovation
Session 5 Saturday, December 7, 13:00-16:15 @Zoom Collective impact for achieving sustainability and maximizing impact.
Session 6 Saturday, December 14, 13:00-16:15 Admission @Campus Thinking About Your Life and the Future of Society


Register now



[Other Non-degree Courses Offerings]

Course Name Language Course Start Date Announcement Period
社会イノベーション創出の挑戦 Japanese Nov.-Dec. 2024 Sep. 2024
Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up English Nov.-Dec. 2024 Sep. 2024
Global Management: Strategy, Organization and Leadership English Jan.-Mar. 2025 Nov.2024
リーダーシップと交渉学 Japanese Jan.-Mar. 2025 Nov.2024
Leadership and Negotiation English Jan.-Mar. 2025 Nov.2024


Contact us
Admissions Office, Graduate School of Leadership & Innovation, Shizenkan University
Address: Nihonbashi Takashimaya Mitsui Building 17F
2-5-1 Nihonbashi Chuo-ku Tokyo 103-6117 Japan
E-mail: admissions-non-degree@shizenkan.ac.jp



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