The Center for Impact Economy Held the Kick-Off Event for SSIR-J

The Center for Impact Economy at Shizenkan University recently held the kick-off event to celebrate the re-launch of the Japanese edition of the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR-J).The event, which brought together many leaders and practitioners of social change to share their vision for the future, was a great opportunity for participants to meet like-minded professionals and discuss a wide range of topics including innovation, social impact, and sustainability.


The event kicked off with a warm welcome from SSIR Academic Editor Johanna Mair, who welcomed Shizenkan as a member of the SSIR family of local language editions. She emphasized SSIR’s mission to curate and disseminate knowledge on innovative ways to address societal challenges. 

Her message was followed by the SSIR-J Editor-in-Chief and Shizenkan Vice President Prof. Masataka Uo, who outlined the strategy for the renewed SSIR-J.

In the panel discussion, we were able to hear directly from industry leaders who shared their hopes and expectations for the renewed SSIR-J. 


This event was a must-attend opportunity for anyone looking to increase their social impact. We look forward to the next one!



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