Student Life
Student Messages
Student Messages
Student Voices
Atsuko Hanaki(Japan)
Kamjaipai Kulvij(Thailand)
Tomoyuki Muramatsu(Japan)
Chanuthi Rajapaksha(Sri Lanka)
Wu Qingqi(China)
Mehmet Uysal(Turkey)
Koji Hamane(Japan)

Maoko Ochi(JAPAN)
“Before entering Shizenkan, I didn’t have any concrete image of myself after graduation. My purpose was to just be better and find myself, but through the program I came up with a more concrete image of the future, and it is feminism. This is a problem to tackle throughout my life.
As my seminar project, I am developing a feminine care business which hopefully I can continue with my company. Through the femcare business I hope I can contribute to the world and deliver some value as a future leader. I can say that before joining Shizenkan I just wanted to be a better person, but now I want to be a better person for society, not only for myself.
I would recommend Shizenkan to someone who really wants to explore the meaning of life and meaning of self, the meaning of the world's existence. Someone who has passion to make a positive impact on the world regardless of whether it is profitable or not.”
Affiliation / Department / Position
Shiseido Company Limited

Thomas Veraart (Belgium)
I applied for the Shizenkan MBA program because Shizenkan is a bridge between the west and the east, has a holistic approach to education and its focus on the liberal arts give it a unique position compared to any other MBA-program. By combining both the western as well as the mostly underrepresented eastern way of thinking in a business school setting, it allows me to approach problems and business from a completely new perspective. On top of the quantitative, logical and strategic thinking that forms the basis of any MBA, Shizenkan goes the extra mile by learning their students to think more flexible through design thinking and innovative thinking. Last but not least Shizenkana’s focus on the liberal arts has given me a better understanding of who I am, where we as a species have come from and how we’ll evolve in the future. Shizenkan is more than just a “finance 101”-type of MBA, it’s making me into a true innovative leader!
Affiliation / Department / Position
Capcom Co. LTD. Global Marketing Strategy Department

Naomi Oshino(Japan)
"Ever since I started working, I always had a desire to go back school to learn again. And more and more I work within multi-cultural people with various background, I realize that the knowledge I need is not traditional MBA type but how to deeply understand myself and be a respectable and inspiring person with culture.
With that sence, I believe learning in Shizenkan was the best option for me considering its offers including the area of learning, professionals with top intelligence and experience, the location that allows me to come after work and interaction among international students with various concerns and viewpoints. "
Affiliation / Department / Position
NISSAN MOTOR CO.,LTD. Alliance Product Planning Senior Manager

Chihiro Eikyu(Japan)
"In order to create a new business in an era when the business model changes drastically while experiencing multiple new business developments in the IT field, I felt the need to understand universal theory and build my core value and judgment standard.
Also, when I took a business course at university in the U.S., I felt a gap between the Western business theory and actual experience in Japan, and I was looking for a place where I could learn to fill that gap. For me like this, Shizenkan is an ideal program.
Now that I have learned a lot of knowledge from professionals in each industry and expanded my range of interests, time flies with MBA, work and two children, but every day is more fulfilling than before.
I feel that learning through discussions with multinational classmates will enrich my whole life as well as a global businessman."
Affiliation / Department / Position
RECRUIT LIFESTYLE CO., LTD. Business Development Unit, Internet Business Development Division

Asokan Lal(India)
I feel lucky to get myself enrolled through my company for this MBA program which is custom designed by Shizenkan University. The course is very unique in its composition. It focuses on casting the future leaders in taking forward businesses in a more feasible and sustainable manner by envisaging the responsibility of future managers beyond making profit. Here in Shizenkan, diversity is the key factor engaging ourselves in dialogues, sharing ideas and developing our own way of management skills rather than following any predefined theory in use. We are engaged in learning more about the technological advancement in the areas of businesses, thereby visualizing the future and be future ready. Here in Shizenkan we engage more in realizing the impact of business to its society, and the key role of managers in developing a sustainable world together along with its stakeholders
Affiliation / Department / Position
Komatsu India Pvt. Ltd. Sales and Marketing Manager

Silvia Bettoschi(Italy)
"A MBA course is often described as a key step for professional development, but for me it has been a real life changer.
Thanks to its stimulating and profound teachings, this MBA has changed the way I look at myself and at the world, providing continuous encouragement to become a better version of myself.
Shizenkan is the place where opposites come together to find a new balance: west and east, business skills and liberal arts, self-realization and social contribution. This is the unique trait of Shizenkan University, and this makes Shizenkan a school like no others.
Who are you before the MBA? Who you want to be after it? Matching with the best school to support you in this journey can really make the difference, guiding you in the right direction.
In this regard, I came in with very high expectations and Shizenkan surely managed to surpass them."
Affiliation / Department / Position
Japan Tabacco Inc. Human Resources HR Manager

Daichi Konuma(Japan)
I encountered the concept of Shizenkan when I looked for an opportunity to reflect on my seven years of leadership journey as a social entrepreneur. What attracted me the most is that Shizenkan focuses not on knowledge or skillset, but on liberal arts, which I believe is getting more and more essential in today’s rapidly changing environment. After spending a year here, I now realize that I become more confident in what I have been doing from much wider perspectives. Investing your precious time in studying for two years seems to be inefficient, however I strongly believe that your time at Shizenkan would be the most powerful and meaningful investment given your long life journey.
Affiliation / Department / Position

Chanuthi Rajapaksha(Sri Lanka)
"Why I decided to join Shizenkan last year was its unique & unconventional curriculum, which is aimed at molding individuals to mature with a holistic view towards the world; whilst becoming innovative in their thinking.
I have begun to connect many dots and found soul searching answers through reflection on many lessons taught and its practical relevance to life. Shizenkan is not just a place that teaches but rather a mentor that guides us to self learn through understanding by revolutionizing the way in knowledge sharing. Its academic staff with their diverse background are more like life coaches with its support staff being good friends and my colleagues becoming a family to someone like me who is a stranger to Japan. Shizenkan has taught how my individual potential could fit into a larger group of talented youth from many parts of the world to collectively grow in strength to serve a greater purpose. "
Affiliation / Department / Position

Kenji Mishima(Japan)
"1st year of Shizenkan changed my mindset from “working reactively to fulfill requirement of companies and society” to “working proactively to create new value of companies and society” (proactive attitude). In short, a sense of ownership and responsibility has sprouted for better our future.
Shizenkan’s well-concerted courses made it happened: Self-reflection made me rethink relation between the purpose/vision of my life with the affiliated company; a series of business courses taught me limitation of market mechanism and ideal shape of our future society; liberal arts courses enabled us to compare the current society with the past / future from broader perspectives; discussion with faculty members and classmates let me go to envision the coming future in VUCA world.
Shizenkan in 2nd year offers us business actualization focused courses. No doubt it is a very exiting phase because things to do is clearer now thanks to 1st year large-boned courses. Now we are creating business plans and heading altogether for better human society that we came to aspire to realize!! "
Affiliation / Department / Position
Japan International Cooperation Agency Compensation and Benefits Division, Personnel Department Assistant Direcor

Qi Yawei(China)
"I chose Shizenkan university because of its unique approach to liberal arts education with a focus on Asian values rather than following the American capitalist model. In Shizenkan, I am aiming to nurture well-rounded leadership qualities backed by strong professional skills and high aspirations. In the meantime, I hoped to further widen and deepen my perspective on the roots of social structures for better contribution to the society and humankind. The past one-year’s learning at Shizenkan was fruitful not only because gained the most basic MBA skills, but also deepened my understanding on “Who I am”, “where we are and where to go in the long humankind history.”
We are now living in the world of uncertainty where the concept of western modernity is not functioning properly. Economic growth necessarily leads to an enhanced quality of life and improved human flourishing in high-income societies, and technologies brought us great life convenience and enhanced our social connectedness. On the other hand, only limited number of people can enjoy the benefit of globalization, environmental challenges are symptoms of a deeper problem, more people feel lonely and disconnected.
All are indicating there are still many issues for future leader to take part for the wellbeing of the web of life, support what needs help, taking responsibility to help where it is needed. As one of the future leaders, I am starting to sketch a future vision with a possible, desirable and sustainable future image to tackle ideas and challenges bigger than my own interests and personal agendas. I would like to fully commit to contributing and realizing the ideal future with the guidance and support from Shizenkan."
Affiliation / Department / Position
Shiseido Co.,Ltd. "Corporate Strategy Dept. Cross-border Marketing Strategy Group" Corporate Staff

Duong Nguyen(Vietnam)
The first year at Shizenkan university was an extremely fruitful one year when I learned a lot from Liberal Arts, a series of reflection to recent trends: Digital Marketing, Design Thinking and Artificial Intelligence (AI). I was most impressed by Liberal Arts, especially “Modern western philosophy, capitalism and the future of human existence” course where we learned the blueprint of Western modernity and discussed the issues in modern society as well as the future of human existence. I became interested in social issues such as widening gap between the rich and the poor, unequal opportunities and how to solve them by doing business activity. Currently, in my individual project - a part of Shizenkan university program - I am working on a Smart Education business plan to solve social issues in education. I hope I can realize this business within 5 years to contribute to both business of my current company and society.
Affiliation / Department / Position
NTT Communications Corporation Network Services Division

Kabir Rejwanur(Bangladesh)
"The first thing that I realized again after enrolled to Shizenkan “Life isn't about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself”. The meaning of creating something which got value or meaningful to myself and most importantly for society, for the people around.
I’m really privileged to get the opportunity to mix up with such a dynamic and diverse companion where I can take away something from every moment of it. Another thing which really impressed me with the curriculum and ultimate vision of the institute is to prepare us for a meaningful leader for the upcoming era. After coming to Shizenkan, lots of area was wide open for myself like what is the life purpose, though I haven't found the exact meaning of the life yet but found something very important which is utilize my learning and take way from different areas and give it back to the society."
Affiliation / Department / Position