
Tomoyoshi [Tomo] Noda
President Professor
Junko Edahiro
Kentaro Mori
Vice President Professor
Junsuke Usami
Everett Kennedy Brown
Adjunct Professor
Chihiro Kato
Adjunct Associate Professor
Daisaburo Hashizume
Specially Appointed Professor
Hiroyuki Mitani
Specially Appointed Professor
Norishige (Noly) Morimoto
Adjunct Professor
Patrick Newell
Seiichi Ohtaki
Dean Professor
Peter David Pedersen
Tetsuya Shiokawa
Adjunct Professor
Seiji Takeda
Professor Emeritus
Mikio Yamamoto
Yuichi Yatsuhashi
Katsuhiko Yoshikawa
Vice President Professor
Shunsuke Nagao
Vice President Associate Professor
Ken Nishi
Tish Robinson
Adjunct Professor
Nobuhito Massimiliano Abe
Adjunct Professor
Paul R.H. Duerloo
Adjunct Professor
Riichiro Oda
Adjunct Professor
Masahiro Fukuhara
Adjunct Professor
Shoshu Hirai
Adjunct Professor
Oriza Hirata
Adjunct Professor
Shigeru Nishiyama
Adjunct Professor
Seiji Inuzuka
Adjunct Associate Professor
Hironori Iwasaki
Adjunct Professor
Tatsuya Kataoka
Specially Appointed Professor
Takeshi Kawasaki
Adjunct Associate Professor
Ryuji Kojima
Adjunct Associate Professor
Jesper Koll
Adjunct Professor
Emiko Matsuda
Adjunct Professor
Tomoyuki Mizutani
Adjunct Professor
Tsuyoshi Nishitani
Adjunct Associate Professor
Yumiko Noda
Adjunct Professor
Osamu Noro
Adjunct Professor
Miyuki Ochi
Adjunct Associate Professor
George Olcott
Adjunct Professor
Katsuhiro Sato
Adjunct Professor
Keisuke Seya
Daisuke Takatsuki
Adjunct Professor
Jiro Tamura
Shinichi Ueyama
Specially Appointed Professor
Masataka Uo
Vice President Professor
Tatsuyuki Negoro
Specially Appointed Professor
Jeff Volinski
Adjunct Associate Professor
Ayako Sonoda
Adjunct Professor
Wong Lai Yong
Adjunct Associate Professor
Daniel van Wassem
Adjunct Associate Professor
Yasunori Iwanaga
Adjunct Professor
Kunihiko Tano
Adjunct Associate Professor
Naonori Kimura
Adjunct Professor
Akira Ishikawa
Adjunct Professor
Nalin Advani
Adjunct Professor
Yuichiro Yoshinari
Adjunct Professor
Paul Thurston
Adjunct Professor
Sapna Masih Advani
Adjunct Professor
Tomo Yamane
Adjunct Professor
Minoru Fukuda
Adjunct Professor
Hideo Matsue
Adjunct Professor
Sakthikumar Dasappan Nair
Adjunct Professor
Shinji Miyadai
Adjunct Professor
David Lau
Adjunct Associate Professor
Kazutoshi Numata
Adjunct Associate Professor
Minami Tsubouchi
Adjunct Associate Professor
Naoko Ishihara
Adjunct Associate Professor
Ogawa Tatsuhiro
Adjunct Associate Professor
Takeshi Fujii
Adjunct Associate Professor
Nanako Kudo
Adjunct Associate Professor
Yoshitaka Tabuchi
Adjunct Associate Professor
Junichi Sato
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Koichiro Taguchi
Adjunct Associate Professor
Saia Mimuro
Adjunct Associate Professor
Yusuke Yoshizawa
Adjunct Associate Professor
Ryukichi Miyabayashi
Adjunct Associate Professor
Sari Shimizu
Adjunct Associate Professor
Katsuhiko Handa
Adjunct Associate Professor
Nobuko Tabata
Adjunct Associate Professor
Choelsoon Park
Honorary Professor
Motoki Asai
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Yuka Shimokawa
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Faculty Voices
![Tomoyoshi [Tomo] Noda](https://shizenkan.ac.jp/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/noda-200x200.jpg)
Tomoyoshi [Tomo] Noda
Dr. Tomo Noda is the founder of ISL (Institute for Strategic Leadership), a Tokyo-based educational institution dedicated to the development of next-generation leaders with the willpower, character and creativity necessary to catalyze social and business innovation in Japan.
He is an expert in organizational strategy and transformational leadership, and was a faculty member of the London Business School (1996-1997), INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France (1997-2000), INSEAD ASIA in Singapore (2001-2003), and SIMI (Scandinavian International Management Institute) (1996-2005) where he taught strategic and international management to MBA students and executives.
He is originally from Kyoto, Japan.
Dr. Noda holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Tokyo, a Master’s Degree in Science in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Doctorate in Business Administration (Business Policy) from Harvard University.
Area of Expertise
Leadership / Business policy / Organizational Strategy
What is a Company For?: Exploring Relationships Among Business Enterprise, Market and Society
Business Policy: Concepts and Practices
Leadership in Transformation and Innovation
Living a Life as a Leader
Inamori International Fellowship (by Inamori Foundation)
Best Teacher's Award for MBA elective course entitled "Strategic Leadership and Corporate Transformation) in 2001, 2002, 2003 Fall at INSEAD
Selected Publications
Journal Papers:
"Strategy-Making as Iterated Processes of Resource Allocation", Strategic Management Journal, Summer, Vol.17, 1996 (with Joseph B. Bower)
"Managing for Value: It's Not Just About the Numbers", 2001, Harvard Business Review Vol. 79 (with Philippe Haspeslagh, Fares Boulos)
"The Evolution of Intra-Industry Firm Heterogeneity: Insights from A Process Study", Academy of Management Journal, Vol.44, No.4, 2001 (with David J. Collis) "Leadership Begins with Leading Oneself", 2004, Center for Creative Leadership, Leadership in Action Specail Issue: Leadership in Aisa Vol. 24
Book/Book Chapter:
"Getting the Real Value Out of Value-Based Management", 2001, Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston, MA (with Fares Bouls, Philippe Haspeslagh)
"Dynamism of Competitive Strategy (Kyousousenryaku no Dynamism)", Nihon Keizai Shinbun-sha, 2001 (Junjiro SHINTAKU, Shigeru ASABA(Supervision), in Japanese "Leadership journey (Leadership no Tabi)", Kobun-sha, 2007 (with Toshihiro KANAI), in Japanese

Junko Edahiro
Junko Edahiro obtained a Master's degree in Educational Psychology from The University of Tokyo. Still active today as an environmental journalist, she is committed to communication and networking through lecturing, publishing, consulting and translating works regarding the environment, all with the aim of causing behavioral change among people and building effective systems for a sustainable society. To comprehensively study the relationship among happiness, economy, and society and work on these themes, she holds workshops on happiness and sustainability.
She organizes a website “e's Future Co-Creation Forum” to co-create new value from finding relationships among factors within a problem. In 2011, she founded the Institute for Studies in Happiness, Economy and Society (ISHES) to rethink on the relationship among happiness, economy, and society and explore better systems and indicators. She contributes to co-creation of happy and resilient future through human connections and dialogue.
She creates opportunities and places to build consensus among stakeholders utilizing the Systems Thinking or Scenario Planning model. She acts as a facilitator for companies and local governments. And as an advisor, she is also involved in regional revitalization to depict a more desirable future with projects to rebuild the local economy.
The books she has translated include An Inconvenient Truth, Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis and An Inconvenient Sequel by Al Gore;
Limits to Growth: The 30-year Update;
Beyond 'Eco' - How to Make a Happy Future;
From Pursuit of GDP Growth to Creation of Happiness based on Life Beyond Growth;
Thinking in Systems;
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organizationand;
World on the Edge: How to Prevent Environmental and Economic Collapse.
Area of Expertise
Sustainability, Regional Revitalization
Systems Thinking and the Sustainability Challenge
Eastern Philosophy and Leadership
Individual Projects
A most successful career woman by Nikkei Career Women magazine in 2004.
Selected Publications
Journal Papers:
“Japan’s Paradigm Shift From Growth To Happiness: Slowing Down to Advance Wellbeing”, at the Fourth International Conference on Gross National Happiness, 2008
“Letter from Japan”, Resurgence & Ecologist magazine, No.262, The Resurgence Trust, 2018
""Good-bye ownership, materialism and monetization in lifestyles: a new era dawning in Japan"" , Growth in Transition, Rontledge, 2012
“Life Beyond Growth”, with Alan AtKisson, ISIS Academy, 2012
You Can Do Anything If You Get Up at 2:00 am Every Morning (Sunmark Publishing, Inc., 2001)
How to Repair the Earth, (with Donella H. Meadows and Dennis L. Meadows, Diamond Inc., 2005)
Systems Thinking' Textbook (with Riichiro Oda, Toyo Keizai Inc., 2010)
Teijo-Keizai' wa Kano da ('Steady-State Economy' Is Possible), (with Herman Daly, Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 2014)
How to Enhance Resilience of People and Societies (Toyo Keizai Inc., 2015)
Recreating Local Economies--Analysis, Diagnosis, Measures (Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 2018)
What is Animal Welfare?--Ethical Consumption and Food Safety (Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 2018)
The Power of Eastern Thought to Build Your Foundation of Strength (Kobunsha Co., Ltd., Publishers 2018)
What is Plastic Pollution? (Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 2019)

Kentaro Mori
Kentaro Mori is a Senior Advisor at the Boston Consulting Group, after having served as a Managing Director and Senior Partner. Kentaro is a former head of Consumer and Retail Practice in Japan and also lead People Team (HR) for many years.
He joined Shizenkan as a Professor in 2022.
Kentaro holds a B.A. in Physics from University of Cambridge.
Area of Expertise
corporate strategy, business strategy, transformation, digital transformation
Digital Transformation and Innovation
Individual Projects

Junsuke Usami
After graduating from The University of Tokyo (BA in Economics), Mr. Junsuke Usami joined Tokio Marine and developed his basic business skills. After four years at Tokio Marine, he did gradute study at Harvard Kennedy School (Master of Public Policy) and Arthur D. Little Management Education Insititute (MBA, 1st in the class) in Boston. After comeing back to Japan, he has had more than 25+ years experienec at the strategic consulting industry in Japan including BCG (13 years) as the head of Organization Practice, Sigmaxyz as the industry leader to turnaround after the Lehman shock, and Accenture as the Japan lead of Talent and Organization Practice. He also has hands-on 4 year management experience as the head of FRMIC (Fast Retailing Management and Innovation Center) to develop business leaders to lead UNIQLO to achieve global No.1. directly reporting to CEO Mr. Yanai.
Area of Expertise
Leadership Development
Leadership Challenge: Opening our eyes to the globe and looking into the future
Global Oraganization Award (BCG 2008): award to recoginize contribution to develop new arena around talent and organization development beyond strategy by Global Oraganization Practice
Selected Publications
”Lead the Jibun ~ My business leader development experience at UNIQLO" (2020, Toyo Keizai)
"How human should collaborate with AI" (Harvard Business Review Online, 2018)
"Living Organization" (Haravard Business Review Online, 2017)
"How to develop Business Leaders: Lessons from UNIQLO" (Diamond Harvard Business Review, 2017)
"BCG method to align ownership with company vision" (Think!, 2006)
"Change Monster - Japanese version" (co-auther, Toyo Keizai, 2001)

Everett Kennedy Brown
Professor Everett Kennedy Brown is a cross-cultural ambassador, born and raised in the USA, and has spent most of his adult life in Japan.
During his extensive career, Everett has authored many books about Japanese culture, been a journalist, university professor, and artist.
Everett also served as a counselor for the Prime Minister's office and in various government ministries. As an artist, he is internationally known for his innovative approach to early photographic processes, and his images are in the permanent collections of major international museums. Everett also established the Japan office of EPA (European Pressphoto Agency) , the sustainable living farm Browsnfield and is the Founder of the Kyoto Kaisho Foundation. In 2013 he was awarded the Japanese Government Cultural Affairs Agency Commissioners Award for promoting Japanese culture
Other Affiliations
Founder of the Kyoto Kaisho Foundation
Area of Expertise
Japanology/ Comparative Cultures/Art
Japan in the Wider World: An East-West Dialogue
Selected Publications
『俺たちのニッポン』 (Our Japan), 『日本力』 (The Power of Japan, with Matsuoka Seigo), Japanese Samurai Fashion;『失われゆく日本』 (A Disappearing Japan), 『先祖返りの国へー日本の身体感覚ー文化を読み解く』(Toward a Land of Ancestry: Deciphering the Japanese Body Sense and Culture),京都派の遺伝子(The Kyoto School Genetics: Fifteen International Kyoto Artists)

Chihiro Kato
Engages in strategy and M&A consulting projects. In strategy, he covers portfolio, business unit, and new business strategies. In M&A, he engages across the process from M&A strategy and blueprint, target screening, due diligence, and post-merger integration. He serves clients across electronics and manufacturing, consumer, and investor industries. He has an MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business and M.S. in chemistry from Kyoto University
Other Affiliations
McKinsey & Company - Partner
Area of Expertise
Strategy, Business portfolio, M&A, post-merger integration
Strategic Management: Theories, Frameworks and Ways of Thinking

Daisaburo Hashizume
1948 Born in Kanagawa.
1972 Graduated from Dept of Sociology, Faculty of Letters,
The University of Tokyo.
1977 Completed Doctoral Candidate Course, Graduate School of Sociology,
The University of Tokyo.
1989 Associate Professor (Sociology), Faculty of Engineering,
Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly known as Tokyo Institute of Technology)
1995 Professor(Sociology), Faculty of Engineering, Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly known as Tokyo Institute of Technology).
1996 Professor(Sociology), Dept. of Value and Decision Science, Graduate School
of Decision Science and Technology, Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly known as Tokyo Institute of Technology).
2013 Professor Emeritus, Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly known as Tokyo Institute of Technology).
Area of Expertise
Comparative Sociology of Religions
Diversity of Social Structures and Ethics from the Perspectives of Major Religions
Selected Publications
1985 Language Game and Social Theory, Keiso Shobo
1986 Discoursive Strategy of Buddhism, Keiso Shobo
1988 Structuralism for Beginners, Kodansha
2001 Introduction to the Sociology of Religions, Chikuma Shobo
2011 Wonders in Christianity, Kodansha
2016 Sociology of Japanese History, Kodansha
2017 Masao Maruyama and Shichihei Yamamoto, Kodansha
2019 Hideo Kobayashi And Norinaga's Kojiki-Den Kodansha

Hiroyuki Mitani
Mitani entered the Kawasaki Steel Corporation (now the JFE Steel Corporation) after graduating from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tokyo.
He also has earned master’s degrees from the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University.
He then joined the Boston Consulting Group. After taking posts as the Regional President for North Asia at GE Aviation Systems, the President of GE Healthcare Japan and CEO of Novartis Pharma K.K., he established Office Mitani. He took the position as Chairman of Plantec Consulting Inc. in 2016.
He joined the faculty at Shizenkan University in 2019. Mitani is also a part-time lecturer at GSDM and the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo. Assumed Senior advisor of Boston Consulting Group(BCG) in 2019.
Other Affiliations
Representative, Office Mitani
Area of Expertise
General Management, Business Policy, Organizational Development
Business Policy: Concepts and Practices
Research Seminar for Individual Projects (Organizational Development & Strategy)
Selected Publications
"Global Leadership" (Toyo Keizai Shinposha, 2012) (in Japanese)

Norishige (Noly) Morimoto
Norishige (Noly) Morimoto graduated Keio University and joined IBM Yamato Laboratory in 1987 as a hardware engineer. In 1995, he received a Master of Science in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and worked at MIT Media Lab as a researcher. He worked as a researcher at IBM Research-Tokyo, managing consultant at IBM Business Consulting Services, before going on assignment to IBM Watson Research Center in NY during 2006-2009. In 2009, he was appointed to Director of IBM Research-Tokyo and in 2015, he was promoted to VP & Chief Technology Officer in IBM Asia Pacific. In 2020 he was appointed to Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, IBM Research & Development – Japan, and in 2023 he became an Vice President of IBM Japan. Noly has more than 20 patents in digital watermarking and copyright protection and several publications in the area of innovation management. He has been delivered many keynote speeches on advanced technology areas such as artificial intelligence, semiconductor and quantum computer.
Other major affiliates
Chief Technology Officer and Vice President, IBM Research & Development - Japan
Temple University Japan Campus, Board of Overseers
External Technical Advisor to Delta Electronics, SMBC Group, and etc
Area of Expertise
Technology, Innovation, Research and Development(R&D) Strategy
Science, Technology, Innovation and the Future of Human Existence

Patrick Newell
Catalyst, Learning Activist and Future Vision Navigator.
In 1995, he co-founded Tokyo International School, a 21st Century model school in many areas of education and learning.
In 2008, Patrick co-founded TEDxTokyo, the first TEDx, TEDxYouth & TEDxTeachers events outside of the USA. TEDx focuses on bringing thinkers, doers and innovators from Japan and beyond to share ideas worth spreading.
In 2012, he created “21:21”, a documentary film aligning 21st century learning with 21st century learners with a focus on the role of parents as primary educators.
In 2014, Patrick wrote “TED Power" to inspire people to find their ideas worth spreading and take them further than imagined.
In 2015, Patrick wrote “21st Century Skills to Nurture a Children’s Future”
In 2017, Patrick and team hosted the first SingularityU Summit event in Japan to align Japanese companies with the fast-paced exponential technological changes to transform their future.
In 2019, he published the book “Strategies for Keeping Japan #1”. Patrick interviewed over 150 people to research how they see Japan in 2030. Japan is #1 in many areas beyond economics and the latest technology and can be a role model for the rest of the world in some areas.
In 2022, Patrick became the Co-national Project Manager for the OECD Survey for Social and Emotional Skills (SSES), which measures high school students.
He also serves as an advisor to major Japanese companies and organizations.
Area of Expertise
Education, Design, Technology, Communication
The Art of Communicating a Vision and Ideas
Selected Publications
(2014) TED Power. Ideas to Change the World and Yourself, Asahi Shimbun Publications
(2015) Develop the Skills to Survive the Future, Shogakukan
(2019) The Strategy to Protect Japan’s “Number One” Status, Kobunsha

Seiichi Ohtaki
Graduated from Tohoku University with a doctoral degree. Later worked as a lecturer and assistant professor at the School of Business Administration of Senshu University, assistant professor and professor at the Faculty of Economics of Tohoku University and as professor at the Graduate School of Economics and Management of Tohoku University.
Has been responsible for teaching “Management Policy” and “Market Strategy” and other courses at Tohoku University for more than 30 years. Supervised around 300 students in seminars and graduating students. Has further been engaged in supporting local government economic policies and administrative reforms, has been an active member of non-profit organizations and has held the office of the Representative Director of the Sendai-Miyagi NPO Center and President of the Sanaburi Foundation.
Former Member of the Management Committee and the Personal Information Protection Commission of Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK).
Area of Expertise
Business policy, regional revitalization, innovation, administrative reform
Business Policy: Concepts and Practices
Research Seminar for Individual Projects (Social Entrepreneurship & Regional Revitalization)
"First Prize 11th Japan New Business Creation Award/METI Minister Award (Support Category), 2016
(Japan New Business Conference Associations)
Selected Publications
"Kinyuu to konsarutingu no soshiki", Daiichihoki, 1989.
"Kigyou kouzou no dainamizumu" , Hakuto-Shobo, 1989.
"Nyuu bijinesu hakusho 1992", Toyo Keizai, 1991.
"Chuushou Kigyou no keiei senryaku", Sogo Horei, 1992.
"Nyuu riidaa no soshikiron", Senbundo, 2002.
"Daigaku hatsu benchaa kigyou to kurasutaa senryaku", Gakubunsha, 2005.
"Keesu ni manabu keieigaku", Yuhikaku, 2008.
"Kinkyuu teigen. Nihon wo sukuu michi", Nikkei Shinbun Shuppansha, 2011.
"The Dynamics of Regional Innovation: Policy Challenges in Europe and Japan, World Scientific", 2012.
"Keiei senryaku (dai 3 ban) - ronrisei, kouzousei, shakaisei no tsuikyuu", Yuhikaku, 2016.

Peter David Pedersen
Peter David Pedersen worked as director of a Tokyo based company organizing management seminars and international symposia for owners of small and medium sized enterprises from 1995-98, inviting international speakers such as Margaret Thatcher, Henry Kissinger, Alvin Toffler, John Naisbitt, Lester Thurow, Peter Drucker and Lester Brown to Japan.
After that, from 2000-2001, he was the first foreign anchor of a major news program in Japan at Tokyo MX TV for 16 months.
He was also Co-founder and CEO of E-Square Inc., one of Japan’s first sustainability/CSR consultancies, a position he held from 2000-2011.
In 2015, he co-founded NELIS – Next Leaders’ Initiative for Sustainability, which aims to connect, inspire and empower young practitioners in the field of sustainability and social innovation worldwide. He began teaching as a Shizenkan University professor in 2019.
Area of Expertise
Cultural Anthropology, Sustainability, Sustainability Management, Sustainability Innovation
Group Workshop II: Facing some of the world’s most important real-life issues and reflecting on the dilemmas and conflicting values that arise from these

Tetsuya Shiokawa
Graduating Kyoto University, BA in Law 1983, started career at Mitsui Co., Ltd. Visited 34 countries on business including training in the U.S. Motivated to learn corporate management, gained MBA at Harvard Business School in 1996. Returning to Mitsui, involved in strategic investment of Foods Group of Mitsui;M&A and subsidiaries control. In 2000, joined GE Capital, involved in M&A and in 2006 became Board Member & Deputy President at GE Fleet Services as head of sales & marketing. 2007-Nov. 2019, worked for Xerox Corporation as Executive Director in Japan, in parallel, acting as Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Fuji Xerox, involved in overall management of the company. Leveraging on experience in both Japanese and global companies, gaining capabilities of global strategy and management and leadership. Strongly interested in growing next generation of whole-person leaders, involved in founding Shizenkan University in 2017~18. August 2018-May 2023, acted as Vice President & a member of the board of trustees and professor at Shizenkan University. June 2023 started as Senior General Manager at Harmonic Drive Systems Inc. and thereafter became Specially Appointed Professor and a Member of the Board of Trustees at Shizenkan University.
Other Affiliations
Ex-Executive Director, Japan, Xerox Corporation
Ex-Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
Senior General Manager, Harmonic Drive Systems Inc.
External Board of Director, Waibi Co., Ltd.
External Board of Director, Learning Edge Co., Ltd.
Advisor to the Board, NASC International Co., Ltd.
Venture partner for Evolution Ventures Management LLC(U.S.A)
Experience & Expertise
M&A, Business Development, Global Strategy and Management
Global Management: Strategy, Organization and Leadership
Individual Project 1, 2

Seiji Takeda
Born in Osaka in 1947. Second-generation Korean in Japan. Philosopher. Graduated from the School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University. After serving as a professor at the School of International Studies, Meiji Gakuin University and the School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University, he is currently a professor emeritus at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Waseda University. Started his career as a writer in Japan. Has been active in literary criticism, thought criticism, and philosophical writing. Currently writing a book on desire as a fundamental theory of existential philosophy (Volume 1 and Volume 2 have been published).
Other Affiliations
Professor Emeritus of Waseda University
Area of Expertise
Phenomenology, Western Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Existentialist Philosophy
Modern Philosophy, Capitalism, the Future of Human Existence
Selected Publications
Introduction to Phenomenology" (NHK Books, 1989),
"Introduction to Philosophy for Understanding Myself" (Chikuma Gakugei Bunko, 1990),
"Condition of Human Freedom" (Kodansha Science Bunko, 2004),
"Complete Deciphering of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit" (Kodansha, 2007),
"Complete Kant's Critique of Pure Reason" (Kodansha Metier 2010),
"The Theory of Desire" (Vol. 1 and Vol. 2, Kodansha),
"What is Philosophy" (NHK Books 2020), etc.

Mikio Yamamoto
Started his business career in Fuji Xerox as a research engineer in R&D department, recognized issues regarding “technology and management” and moved to A.T. Kearney. After three years, established a venture incubator and supported five technology ventures for developing business plans and funding from VCs. Returned to A.T. Kearney and engaged in more than 500 projects as the principal for about 16 years regarding various management issues mainly for high-tech and automotive industries.
In 2018, he became a part-time consultant for A.T. Kearney, and an advisor for Nippon Human Resources, Co., Ltd., funded by the Japanese government, which accelerates local economies in Japan.
Area of Expertise
Corporate management, management strategy, business creation and innovation
Business Plan and Entrepreneurship
Future Perspectives: Methods and Practices
Research Seminar for Individual Projects (Business Strategy)

Yuichi Yatsuhashi
Yuichi Yatsuhashi graduated from Tokyo University Faculty of Economy. Right after graduation he entered Boston Consulting Group and became the youngest partner in the Tokyo office at the age of 34. Later, he turned to the private equity industry. He became a Partner in MKS Partners in 2007.
In 2011 he became Senior Advisor of ACA . He invested a lot of his time in supporting venture companies such as venture investments as well as listed stock investments.
Since 2015, he has been working as a specially-appointed professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology Global Leader School.
Area of Expertise
Management Strategy, New Business Strategy, M&A Strategy
Strategic Management: Theories, Frameworks and Ways of Thinking
Research Seminar for Individual Projects (Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship)

Katsuhiko Yoshikawa
Katsuhiko’s research focuses on organizational behavior and human resource management in contemporary organizations that face globalization and digitalization, and he has published research articles in prominent academic journals such as Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Studies, and Journal of World Business. He also serves as an ad-hoc reviewer at journals such as Asia Pacific Journal of Management and International Journal of Human Resource Management. Katsuhiko received Ph.D. in Management and MSc. Management, Organizations, and Governance (Distinction) from London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom, and BA in Economics from Kyoto University, Japan.
Along with research and teaching, he consults with multinational corporations and serves as an external advisor to two startup companies. Before joining Shizenkan, he served as an Assistant Professor at Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, and worked as Consulting Director and Chief Researcher at Recruit Holdings in Japan.
Area of Expertise
Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, International Business
Global Management: Strategy, Organization and Leadership
Designing Your Career
Management of People and Organizations
Research Seminar for Individual Projects (Organizational Development & Strategy)
- Best Reviewer Award, 2020 Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business
- Palgravee Macmillan Best Paper Award, 2018 Annual Meeting of Association of Japanese Business Studies
- Best Paper Award in OB/HRM/OT, 2018 Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business, International Management Division
- Best Dissertation Supervisor Award (Master in International Business) at Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2018).
Selected Publications
- Kokubo, K., Yoshikawa, K., & Wu C.H. (2023). Facilitating transition from maternity leave to work for working mothers: A self-efficacy intervention study. Cambridge Prisms: Global Mental Health.
- Yoshikawa, K., Wu, C. H., & Lee, H. J. (2022). Knowledge Sharing on Online Platforms within Organizations: An Interactionist Perspective on Generalized Exchange. Applied Psychology.
- Weisman, H., Wu, C. H., Yoshikawa, K., & Lee, H. J. (2022). Antecedents of Organizational Identification: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Management.
- Lee, H.-J., Yoshikawa, K., & Harzing, A.-W. (in press2022). Cultures and Institutions: Dispositional and contextual explanations for country-of-origin effects in MNC “ethnocentric” staffing practices. Organization Studies.
- Yoshikawa, K., Wu, C.-H., & Lee, H.-J. (2020). Generalized Exchange Orientation: Conceptualization and Scale Development. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(3), 294–311.
- Yoshikawa, K., Wu, C.-H., & Lee, H.-J. (2018). Generalized Social Exchange and Its Relevance to New Era Workplace Relationships. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11(3), 486-492.
- Yoshikawa, K., Kokubo, A., & Wu, C.-H. (2018). A cultural perspective on gender inequity in STEM: The Japanese context. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11(2), 301-309.
- Sasaki, I. & Yoshikawa, K. (2014). Going beyond national cultures – Dynamic interaction between intra-national, regional, and organizational realities. Journal of World Business, 49(3), 455-464.

Shunsuke Nagao
Previously he was Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Japan Platform, and has held positions at the World Economic Forum, a Paris-based startup, at Goldman Sachs and at Morgan Stanley.
Shun has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Keio University and a MBA from INSEAD. Born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland and educated in Japan and France, Shun has a multicultural background and is fluent in Japanese, English and French.
Area of Expertise
Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
Research Seminar for Individual Projects

Ken Nishi
Born in Kagoshima Prefecture in 1957. Completed the master's program at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo. After serving as an associate professor at Kyoto Seika University, professor at Wako University, and professor at Tokyo Medical University (Department of Philosophy), he is now in his current position. He is an editorial committee member for the elementary school language textbook "Hirogaru Kotoba (Spreading Words)" by Kyoiku Shuppan Publishing. On NHK Educational TV's "100 Minutes de Meicho" series, he was responsible for episodes on Nietzsche, Rousseau, and Kant.
Other Affiliations
Adjunct Professor, Tokyo Medical University
Adjunct Professor, Toyohashi University of Technology
Area of Expertise
1. Phenomenology: refining Husserlian phenomenology as a "method of philosophical dialogue and human science"
2. Social Philosophy: revitalizing the social philosophy of Rousseau, Hegel, and others as a "philosophy of free society" in a modern way
3. Philosophical Anthropology: constructing a "philosophical human theory for support"
Modern Philosophy, Capitalism, the Future of Human Existence

Tish Robinson
Tish Robinson helps managers resolve interpersonal conflicts on their teams.
Her teaching focuses on conflict intervention and leading diverse teams as well. She has a book forthcoming with Nikkei Shinbun Press on leading diverse teams and is creating a MOOC on conflict transformation for leaders. Her interest in conflict resolution stems from two decades’ worth of corporate training and consulting in companies such as Berlitz, Denso, Dentsu, Goldman Sachs, JTB (Japan Travel Bureau), Mitsui Trading, Mizuho Financial Group, Nikkei Shimbun, SMBC Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Yamaha Music, and Yamaha Motors, among others. Tish is a certified mediator with over 300 hours of mediator training and an MA in Conflict Facilitation.
Tish received her MBA and Ph.D. from the MIT Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and her BA from Pomona College. Tish has taught at Stanford, Harvard, UC Berkeley, NYU Stern School, Keio EMBA Program and Yale’s Global Network of Advanced Management. Tish’s research has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Perspectives, and Human Resource Management Review, among others, and her academic awards include the Academy of Management Richman Prize, the Academy of International Business Farmer Prize, a Fulbright Fellowship, a Fulbright Hayes Fellowship, a Fulbright Faculty Fellowship, a Carnegie Bosch Fellowship, a Japan Foundation Faculty Fellowship, and a Shintaro Abe Fellowship, among others.
Tish has served as a Commissioner on the Fulbright Japan-US Educational Commission appointed by Ambassador Caroline Kennedy, as an outside board director to Eisai Pharmaceuticals, as an elected Governor on the American Chamber of Commerce Board of Governors, as a researcher at the Japan Institute of Labor Policy and Training, and as a co-founder in Japan with Rich Oda of the Society of Organizational Learning Japan under the auspices of Peter Senge.
Other Affiliations
Hitotsubashi University Business School
School of International Corporate Strategy
Area of Expertise
Interpersonal Conflict Intervention. Global Virtual Teams.
• Academy of Management Richman Prize
• Academy of International Business Farmer Prize
• Fulbright Fellowship
• Fulbright Hayes Fellowship
• Fulbright Faculty Fellowship
• Carnegie Bosch Fellowship
• Japan Foundation Faculty Fellowship
• Shintaro Abe Fellowship
Leadership: Confronting and Mobilizing People

Nobuhito Massimiliano Abe
- A.T. Kearney: Core automotive and adjacent industries member with management consulting focus on strategy, digital, marketing and M&A
- Toyota Motor Corporation: Product planning/strategy (regional core models) and process innovation lead
- Toyota Motor Europe: New business development (low cost car and commercial vehicles strategy)
- Vlerick Leuven Gent Management school: Masters in Marketing
Other Affiliations
Senior Partner, Kearney
Area of Expertise
Strategy, Marketing, Digital, Automotive & adjacent industries
Marketing: Principles and Practices

Paul R.H. Duerloo
Paul has more than 20 years of experience as a consultant across Asia and is equally at home working with blue-chip Japanese and Asian companies and Western multinationals. He has closely worked with clients in a variety of industries including energy, industrial goods, and chemicals. His recent experience includes development and implementation of globalization strategy, marketing, organizational transformation, supply chain management, and innovation.
Before joining BCG, Paul was employed as a vice president and managing director at Booz and a field engineer at Royal Dutch Shell. He was a contributor to two major BCG reports on the chemical industry.
Other Affiliations
Managing Director & Partner, The Boston Consulting Group
Leader of Boston Consulting Group's Global Advantage practice in Japan, and a core member of the firm's Energy practice.
Area of Expertise
Leads BCG's Global Advantage practice in Japan / Downstream oil and gas and petrochemicals / Globalization / Organizational transformation / M&A support and due diligence / Energy, chemicals, and industrial goods / Multinational companies in Japan
Individual Projects

Riichiro Oda
Riichiro Oda received an MBA with emphasis on International Business from the University of Oregon, USA.
He is an advocate of sustainability-oriented changes, and has worked to promote and diffuse change methodologies such as "systems thinking" and "learning organizations" in Japan. After working in management positions at a multi-national company and managing an environmental NGO, he co-founded Change Agent Inc. in 2005 to provide services related to capacity building and process design in the areas of sustainability and social innovation. He focuses on cross-sectoral shared value creation and capacity building at the individual, organizational, and inter-organizational levels. He has conducted more than 2,000 workshops on systems thinking and learning organization, facilitating more than 30,000 managers and experts in corporations, local governments, JICA, international organizations, and NGOs on capacity building. In the last 10 years, he has been responsible for the Donella Meadows Fellowship, or a capacity building program for female sustainability leaders in developing countries, which has accommodated 44 people from 30 countries.
In academia, he has been a part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo, Kansai University, and Tohoku University, in addition to the Career Up MOT Program at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Other affiliations
President and CEO, Change Agent Inc.
Director, Es, Inc.
Part-time lecturer, the Career Up MOT Program at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Graduate School)
Director, Global Associations of SoL Communities, a Swedish non-profit organization
Treasurer, International Network of Resource Information Centers, a U.S. non-profit organization
Area of Expertise
Multinational Business Management, Sustainability, Organizational Learning and Development, Leadership, Facilitation, Systems Thinking, Scenario Planning, Impact Management, Decision Making
Systems Thinking and the Sustainability Challenge
Selected Publications
'Primer: Learning Organization' Eiji Press Inc., 2017
'Learning Guide for Systems Thinking' Toyo Keizai Inc., 2010 (co-author)
Easy Guide on Biodiversity for Business People' Gijutsu-Hyohron Co., Ltd., 2009 (co-author)
'Why Her Solutions Succeed' Toyo Keizai Inc., 2007 (co-author)
Stroh, D. 2018 'Systems Thinking for Social Change - A Practical Guide A Practical Guide to Solving Complex Problems, Avoiding Unintended Consequences, and Achieving Lasting Results' Eiji Press Inc., 2018 (Supervising translation)
Kahane, A. 'Collaborating with the Enemy - How to Work with People You Don't Agree with or Like or Trust' Eiji Press Inc., 2018 (Supervising translation)
Torbert, W. 'Action Inquiry - The Secret of Timely And Transforming Leadership' Eiji Press Inc., 2016 (co-translation)
Meadows, D. 'Thinking in Systems: A Primer' Eiji Press Inc. 2015 (Commentary)
Kahane, A. 'Transformative Scenario Planning - Working Together To Change The Future' Tokyo, Japan., Eiji Press Inc., 2014 (Supervising translation)
Senge, P. 'The Fifth Discipline' Eiji Press Inc., 2011 (co-translation)
Sterman, J. 'Business Dynamics - Systems Thinking and Modelling for a Complex World' Toyo Keizai Inc., 2009 (co-translation)
External Links

Masahiro Fukuhara
Keio Senior High School, Keio University, INSEAD (MBA), Grandes Écoles (with Honors), Doctorate from University of Tsukuba (Business Administration), Professor at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School, Visiting Professor at Keio University.
Served as managing director of Tokyo Bank and Barclays Global Investors, the world's largest asset management company, and established the Institution for a Global Society, a place for cultivating global leaders.
Other Affiliations
Institution for a Global Society, Representative
Decision Making as a Leader

Shoshu Hirai
Head Priest of Zenshoan Temple
BA in Law, Gakushuin Univerisity.
Became 7th Head Priest of Zenshoan Temple in 2002.
Various business and political leaders including current
prime minister, Shinzo Abe come to visit Head Priest,
Shoshu Hirai to learn Zen Meditation.
Zen Meditation and Self-Reflection

Oriza Hirata
Born in Tokyo in 1962.
Graduated from International Christian University, College of Liberal Arts, Humanities Division.
In 1995, Hirata won the 39th Kishida Kunio Drama Award with "Tokyo Note (Tokyo Notes)." In 1998, he received the 5th Yomiuri Theater Award Outstanding Director Award, for his production of "Tsuki no Misaki (The Cape of the Moon)," a play written by Masataka Matsuda. Hirata wrote and directed "Ueno Dobutsuen Sai-sai-sai Shugeki (Attacking Ueno Zoo for the Fourth Time)" in 2002 and won the 9th Yomiuri Theater Award for Outstanding Production.
In 2002, he won AICT (Association Internationale des Critiques des Théâtre) Critique Award for his book "Geijutu Rikkokuron (Arts as the Basis of a Nation)" published from Shueisha. In 2003, he won the Grand Prix of the 2nd Asahi Performing Arts Awards with "Sono Kawa wo Koete, Gogatsu (Across the River in May)," which was an event for the Year of Japan-ROK National Exchange in 2002. In 2006, he won the Montblanc de la Culture Arts Patronage Award.
In 2011, France’s Ministry of Culture honored Hirata with the Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters.
At present, Hirata is research professor of the COI Research Promotion Office at the Tokyo University of the Arts, visiting professor of the Osaka University Center for the Study of Co* Design, visiting professor and Special Advisor to the president at Shikoku Gakuin University and Kyoto Bunkyo University, and General Manager of the Fujimi Culture Hall KIRARI FUJIMI. He is also board member of the Japan Foundation for Regional Art-Activities and the Japanese Society for Theatre Research and advisor for cultural politics for Toyooka City.
Other Affiliations
President of Professional College of Arts and Tourism
Playwright, director,
leader of Seinendan
Art Director of Komaba Agora Theater
Art Director of Kinosaki International Arts Center
Area of Expertise
Theatrical Education
Performing Arts ‒ A Window to Rediscover the World

Shigeru Nishiyama
Dr. Nishiyama is a professor of Graduate School of Business and Finance at Waseda University, teaching Accounting, Corporate Finance and Financial Analysis. Before joining Waseda University as a faculty member in 2002, he had been working as a CPA at Tohmatsu & Co., which is a member firm of Deloitte & Co. and as an independent financial consultant. He performed various kinds of projects, such as auditing, IPO consulting, M&A consulting, management control system consulting and training for managers in a lot of Japanese listed companies. Also He have been an outside directors or audit & supervisory board member of several listed companies in Japan
He holds a BA in Economics from Waseda University, an MBA from the Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania and Doctor of Philosophy from Waseda University.
Other Affiliations
Waseda University Graduate School of Business and Finance Professor
Area of Expertise
Accounting, Corporate Finance
Financial Analysis and Levers for Managerial Control (Numbers)

Seiji Inuzuka
Kromack is a strategic consultancy specializing in Growth Strategy, and Service Design/UX Design, helping both startups and multinational corporations. Former Strategist / Consultant at Hakuhodo. And former Chief Strategy Officer at The RealReal—the Silicon Valley-based luxury consignment e-commerce. Lecturer at Singularity University Japan Program (Design Thinking and Prototyping).
Other Affiliations
KRMK/Kromack, Founder & Consultant
Design Thinking and Project-Based Learning

Hironori Iwasaki
Hironori is a professor at the Department of Creative Innovation, Musashino Art University in Tokyo, where he teaches business strategy and design practice. He specializes in strategic design and business design. As a business designer, He has been leading innovation projects and new product / new business development projects for major companies in Japan for more than twenty years. He had been working on branding, innovation, new business development and startup investment during his tenure at Hakuhodo. He has been awarded many awards including Red Dot Award Communication Design and D&AD Awards Design Transformation Category. He received master’s degree from Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology and PhD in Management Science from Kyoto University.
Other Affiliations
Professor, Musashino Art University
Area of Expertise
Design Thinking / Innovation / Marketing
Design Thinking and Project-Based Learning

Tatsuya Kataoka
After graduation from Ritsumeikan University, College of Letters Department of Philosophy, Tatsuya Kataoka joined Culture Convenience Club Co., Ltd.
He became Branch Manager and later served as Executive Officer, Deputy General Manager, Products Division and Director of Multi-Package Distribution Co., Ltd.
He concurrently served as Executive Director of Tsutaya Online Co., Ltd. Mobile Business Division, and in addition to package distribution, was in charge of the Digital Content Distribution Division.
He became a Director of TC Entertainment, and, from 2009, he concurrently served as a Director of 247Music.
In 2012, he joined the non-profit organization ISL. As a joint program director for the Transformational Leadership Program (TLP) and the Strategic Leadership Program (SLP), he is engaged in executive education of managers of his generation. At the same time, Tatsuya Kataoka is General Manager of the Tohoku Future Creation Initiative, that aims at revitalizing the Tohoku region and creating Japan’s future, and carries out human development, community development and industrial development at the forefront of regional revitalization. Currently, he is appointed as a reconstruction adviser for Kesennuma City and Ofunato City.
Other Affiliations
Institute for Strategic Leadership, President
Area of Expertise
Business Strategy, Business planing
Business Plan and Entrepreneurship

Takeshi Kawasaki
Takeshi Kawasaki graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science. After graduation, he joined NTT East, where he worked in system engineering, corporate planning, and new business development. In 2012, after he started to work as a management consultant in US headquartered strategy firms, where he is responsible for a wide range of CXO issues for the information technology and media industries in Japan and Southeast Asia. He is now a Partner of TMT sector in PwC Consulting.
Other Affiliations
Partner in PwC
Area of Expertise
Corporate strategy, organizational management, digital transformation.
Individual Projects

Ryuji Kojima
Mr. Kojima started his professional career at Corporate Directions, Inc. (CDI) Then, he transferred to International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank Group (Washington, D.C.) and AFRY Management Consulting (Former Pöyry, Singapore office). He established CDI Asia-Pacific (Singapore) and assumed Partner at CDI. Then, he joined Industrial Growth Platform, Inc (IGPI) as Principal and become Director.
Bachelor of Law, Keio University. MA in International Relations, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. MBA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Other Affiliations
Director, Industrial Growth Platform, Inc.
Professor, Graduate School of Management, Globis University
Partner, Social Venture Partners Tokyo
Area of Expertise
Strategic consulting, business planning and implementation.
Individual Projects

Jesper Koll
For over 20 years, he has been recognized as one of the top economists and strategists in Japan. He served as the
Managing Director for Equity Research at JP Morgan in Tokyo, the Chief Economist for Merrill Lynch Japan, and the Chief Economist for JP Morgan.
For his highly regarded analysis and insights, he has been appointed as a member of numerous government committees. He is one of the few non-Japanese member of Keizai Doyukai.
He has written three books in Japanese, “Japan’s Economy – The Envy of the World” (2017), “The End of Heisei Deflation“ (2001), and “Towards a New Japanese Golden Age” (1999).
When he came to Japan in 1986, he worked for three years as an aide to a Member of Parliament.
He earned an M.A. in International Economics at Johns Hopkins University, and worked as a researcher at both Tokyo University and Kyoto University.
Other Affiliations
Senior Advisor, WisdomTree Investments Japan
Area of Expertise
Economics, Investment Analytics
Market Principles and Corporate Finance Theory

Emiko Matsuda
Researcher of body sensation education. She teaches people how to nurture their own bodies by understanding daily movements and “型(kata)” in Japanese culture through their senses and using them as wisdom and techniques that can be applied to daily life. She has been involved in research and cooperation in the creation of teaching materials for school education, corporate training, midwife training, and courses in collaboration with Buddhist monks.
Other Affiliations
She is also an adjunct instructor at Musashino Art University and holds courses at Tsukiji Honganji Temple Ginza Salon, Yokohama UMI-NO-IE, Silver Bell, Be Nature School, etc.
Body, Senses and Self-Reflection (Yoga and Meditation)

Tomoyuki Mizutani
Joined HR Service section of Recruit. Mainly responsible for the development of employment and job-change services, also worked as Chief Editor of Rikunabi. Became Executive Officer in Charge of Jinzai Sogo Service in 2004. Became Director of Recruit (HR, General Affairs, PR) in 2006. Responsible for the reconstruction of Recruit Agent after the “Lehman Shock” and became the first Representative Director of Recruit Career after the unification of Recruit’s HR section and Recruit Agent in 2012.
Started studies at ISL in 2004 and also took part in ISL’s “Koshien Leadership Project”. Founded a new organization in Shimane based on ISL’s motto “LEAD THE SOCIETY” after retirement in 2016, dealing with yet unsolved problems like the concentration of talented young people in urban large enterprises and the teaching of essential skills needed in society.
Engaged in HR development and HR circulation projects of young, motivated people in the region based on a reform of the management system of regional High Schools.
Other Affiliations
Representative Director, Platform for Sustainable Education and Community
Okinoshima Ama(Management Consultant & Assistant at Okidozen High School)
Area of Expertise
HR management, HR development, organizational development, social entrepreneurship, regional management (especially management of basic units of government)
Research Seminar for Individual Projects (Organizational Development&Strategy )

Tsuyoshi Nishitani
Tsuyoshi Nishitani joined KPMG Azsa in Tokyo first in his career and was engaged in audits and other financial advisory services in various industries.
After leaving KPMG, he spent two years studying at a graduate school in the U.S. After he graduated, he joined Industrial Growth Platform Inc. (IGPI) and engaged in many projects such as planning and executing business models, various financial advisory services, advisory for business turnaround etc.
Since he left IGPI, his main business has been to support private companies including public companies, local governments, and educational institutions in resolving their management issues and increasing their business value as an advisor or an external officer (director and corporate auditor).
He has a track record of holding various seminars for private companies and the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
He holds an MBA from University of Texas at Austin and BA in Economics from Keio University.
Other Affiliations
Managing Director at Japan Corporate Governance Advisory Inc.
Certified Public Accountant (Japanese)
Area of Expertise
Financial Analysis and Levers for Managerial Control

Yumiko Noda
Yumiko Noda is President of Veolia Japan K.K., an organization of over 9,000 employees, which provides an array of solutions related to water, energy and waste recovery. She was previously Partner of PwC Japan leading infrastructure and PPP practice. She is recognized as one of the pioneers who introduced the PFI/PPP concept to Japan.
Between 2007 and 2009 she served as the Deputy Mayor of Yokohama City.
She holds an MBA from Harvard University and a BA from Tokyo University.
Other Affiliations
Chairman & Representative Director, Veolia Japan GK
Area of Expertise
Sustainable City Management, Infrastructure Financing, PPP/PFI
Strategic Management of Cities and Infrastructure

Osamu Noro
Mr. Osamu Noro is a specialist in career development and leadership training. His 2 main programs include the career-building "Self-Empowerment Training Program", and "Co-Empowerment Leadership Program" aimed for leadership development.
He took part in product research and development as an engineer for Nitto Boseki (1985-1989). After continuing his profession as a management consultant for Arthur D. Little Japan(1989-1996), and an instructor for leadership development at Franklin Covey Japan(1996-2002), he began his career as a freelance trainer in 2002.
He is originally from Mie, Japan. Mr. Noro holds a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in applied chemistry from Keio University in 1985.
Other Affiliations
Noro Office
Area of Expertise
Leadership, Empowerment, Career Development
Discovering Your Core by Confronting Yourself

Miyuki Ochi
Miyuki is a pioneer executive coach in Japan and founded SyncVoice Inc., in 1998 to specialize in coaching, communication and leadership development. She has coached top executives to express their vision and mission and inspire team members to action. She also trained more than 1,500 coaches to be professional as the first faculty for Coaches Training Institute in Japan. She is an affiliate advisor for McKinsey & Company to support their clients’ dialogue in the process of organization change. She has experience working at Burson-Marsteller and Motorola and holds a Master’s Degree in Communication Studies from Northern Illinois University.
Other Affiliations
Founder, SyncVoice Inc.
Professional Coach,
Part-time Lecturer, Keio University (MBA program)
Area of Expertise
Coaching, Communication, Leadership Development
Group Workshop Ⅲ: Confronting and Mobilizing People

George Olcott
After graduating from the University of Oxford with a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, he spent five years in Hong Kong and Japan working for Cathay Pacific Airways.After completing an MBA at INSEAD in France, he joined the UK merchant bank SG Warburg (now UBS Investment Bank). He also spent three years as CEO of UBS’s institutional asset management division in Japan.
After he left the bank in 2001, He completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the impact of foreign ownership and control on Japanese organizations at the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge in 2005. He was Senior Fellow at the Judge Business School until 2013 and Project Professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo between 2010 and 2013. He was Guest Professor at the Faculty of Commerce, Keio University from 2013. He has also served on the board of number of leading Japanese companies since 2008 (currently Denso Corporation, Dai-ichi Life Holdings and Kirin Holdings). In the UK, he is a member of the boards of JP Morgan Japanese Investment Trust plc and BlueOptima Limited.
Other Affiliations
Audit & Supervisory Board Member, Toyota Motor Corporation
Area of Expertise
Organizational Behaviour, Corporate Governance
The Future of Capitalism: New Roles and Responsibilities of Businesses and Leaders

Katsuhiro Sato
Katsuhiro has professional career experience at the Development Bank of Japan and Partner at McKinsey & Company. He teaches at multiple universities including Waseda University Business School as a visiting professor or a visiting lecturer.
Other Affiliations
Professor, Waseda University Business School
Visiting Lecturer, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University
Area of Expertise
Finance, Strategy
Market Principles and Corporate Finance Theory

Keisuke Seya
Acquired his Ph.D. in Systems Engineering and Master’s of Science in Physics. He has served as the Chief Technology Officer of Texas Instruments Japan Semiconductor Group, General Manager of AMD Japan Next Generation Product Development Center, and Executive Officer and CTO of Fillmore Advisory. He holds a private pilot license and is a PMI certified PMP. He is the author of many technology-related books and translations, including:
Deep Learning Official Textbook for G-Examination (ISBN-10: 9784798157559)
Learn everything about iPhone Application Programming (ISBN-10: 4797364629)
Agile Software Development with Java (ISBN-10: 4797347783)
Agile Software Development with C++ (ISBN-10: 4797323361)
DSP C Programming - Embedded System Programming 101 (ISBN-10: 4774110787)
All about DSP(Digital Signal Processor for Beginners (ISBN-10: 4774106534)
Dummies for C++ 3rd Edition, IDG Books Worldwide (ISBN-10: 479730829X)
Major Field of Study
AI (Artificial Intelligence), Data Science, IoT (Semiconductor)
Systems Engineering
Subjects Taught
Artificial Intelligence

Daisuke Takatsuki
Daisuke joined CVC in 2016. He is a member of the CVC Operations team in Asia and is based in Tokyo. Prior to joining CVC, he spent over fourteen years at The Carlyle Group as a Director, leading management and leveraged Buy-Out transactions. Prior to that, he worked for the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund. Daisuke holds an M.B.A. from Stanford University and an LL.B. from the University of Tokyo.
Other Affiliations
CVC Asia Pacific Japan K.K.
Social Investment Partners
Research Seminar for Individual Projects

Jiro Tamura
Graduated from Keio University, Faculty of Law.
Masters Degree from Harvard Law School.
Professor Tamura has been Visiting Scholar at the U.S. Senate Office, Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University Law Center, and a member of the World Economic Forum (Davos Forum) Global Agenda Council on Conflict Resolution and Negotiation, among others.
He is involved in the development of research and education on “Leadership Basics” and “Negotiation Studies” in Japan.
Recent publications: “Introduction to ‘Leadership Basics’” (『「リーダーシップ基礎」入門』東京書籍), “Harvard x Keio: Introduction to Negotiation Studies” (ハーバード×慶應流 交渉学入門 』(中公新書ラクレ)), etc.
Other Affiliations
Professor Emeritus, Keio University
Specially Appointed Professor at Keio University (KGRI)
International Academic Advisor, Harvard International Negotiation Program
Special Advisor, White & Case, LLP (Attorney)
President, Japanese Society of Persuasion and Negotiation
Area of Expertise
Economic Law, Negotiation Studies, Leadership Basics
Leadership and Negotiation

Shinichi Ueyama
After graduating from the Faculty of Law, Kyoto University in 1980, he joined the Ministry of Transport. He then studied Public Management at Princeton University and earned master's degree (M.P.A.). In 1986, he joined McKinsey & Company where he became a partner in 1992 and published two books on change management.
In 2000, he left McKinsey and joined GPPI at Georgetown University as a Research Professor of Public Management as well as a senior fellow at the Tokyo Foundation. In 2003, he became a research professor at the Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University as well as a specially appointed professor at the Graduate School of Creative City, Osaka City University.
In 2007, he became a full-time professor at Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University until March 2023. He also serves as independent director, business consultant, advisors to governors and mayors, independent director, government committee member, at both central and local governments. He visited 117 countries.
Other Affiliations
Vice President, ZEN University
Emeritus professor, Keio University
Area of Expertise
Management Reform, Urban management, Area Development, Administrative Reform, Smart City
Public Management

Masataka Uo
Vice President, Professor, and Director of the Center for Impact Economy at Shizenkan University. Areas of expertise include social impact creation and evaluation, impact business, NPOs, philanthropy, fundraising, and international cooperation. After working for JICA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and an NPO in the U.S., in 2008 he founded Japan's first strategic consulting company for NPO and social business, Fundrex Co., Ltd. In 2009, he founded the Japan Fundraising Association. He promotes the use of private-sector funds such as donations and impact investment towards resolving social challenges in developed countries.
Area of Expertise
Fundraising, Impact Investment, Impact Evaluation, Impact Business, NPO Management
Practices of Impact Businesses and Ecosystems
Creating and Managing Social Impact

Tatsuyuki Negoro
After 10 years of work experience in a Steel company, he has entered the world of academia. He received an MBA from Keio University (KBS).
He joined Waseda University in 2001 and has been teaching for the MBA program since 2003. In addition to his teaching and research, he served as Director of Waseda Business School (WBS) and then Dean from 2010 to 2016. He was also the Director of Research Institute of Information Technology and Management, at Waseda University. Since 2023, he is Professor at NUCB Business School and Shizenkan University.
He served as President of the Japan Society of Management and Information Management, Vice President of the CRM Forum JAPAN, Editorial Board member of Journal of Systems Research, and International adviser of Systems Practice. He has published fifteen books and more than 30 academic papers in the field of Business Strategy, Business Model, Digital Transformation, and Platform Strategy.
Other Affiliations
Adjunct Professor of Digital Strategy, NUCB Business School
Area of Expertise
Business Strategy, Business Model, Digital Transformation, and Platform Strategy
Asia Pacific Conference on Information Management (APCIM) Best Papers Award, Contribution of Information Systems to Business Performance as an Embedded Factors of Differentiation Mechanism: A Case Study of Seven-Eleven Japan (2009)
Selected Publications
Negoro, Tatsuyuki and Yusuke Matsubara, Characteristics of Sales and Profit Growth Curve in Platform Businesses, Waseda Business & Economic Studies, No.53, 2019, pp.1-14.
Tatsuyuki Negoro and Ryo Yasuda, Trust-building Mechanism and Formation Factors in Sharing Economies, Strategic Management Society, 2017.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki and Sota Kamaike, Strategy for Parallel Platforms, Waseda Business & Economic Studies, No.49, 2014, pp.1-22.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki and Satoshi Ajiro, An Outlook of Platform Theory Research in Business Studies, Waseda Business & Economic Studies, No.48, 2013, pp.1-29.
Mukai, Masamichi and Tatsuyuki Negoro, Contribution of Information Systems to Business Performance as an Embedded Factors of Differentiation Mechanism: A Case Study of Seven-Eleven Japan,” Journal of Japan Society for Information and Management, Vol.30, No.3, 2010.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Differentiation Systems and Meta-systems: Maintenance and Innovation of Business Differentiation Mechanism, Waseda Business & Economic Studies, No.45, 2009.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki & Mamiko Wakabayashi, A Time-Series Descriptive Model of Competitive Advantage Trajectory, The International Congress of SSS, 2007.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Business Model Analysis as a Systems Approach, The First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research, 2005.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Can CRM Be a Differentiation Strategy?: Pitfalls of Customer Retention Activities, Waseda Business & Economic Studies, No.40, 2005.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Internet-Specific Business Strategies Do Not Exist: An Analysis from a Resource-Based Perspective, Waseda Business & Economic Studies, No.39, 2004.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Possibility Beyond Customer Relationship Management: From Encirclement to Open Partnership, Waseda Business & Economic Studies, No.38, 2003.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Industrial Change by Information Networks, KENSHU (AOTS), NO.157, 2000, pp.12-16.
Kimura, Makoto and Tatsuyuki Negoro, Information Exchange Models of Internet Commerce-Platform Business for the contribution to the Industrial Development, Fifth International Conference, Asia-Pacific Region of Decision Science Institute, 2000.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, A Reconstruction of the Constitutive Rules of Soft Systems Methodology, Systemist, Vol.17, No.3, 1995, pp.146-156.
Kohta, J. A. Bird, T Negoro and S. Fujita, American and Japanese Contrasts, Technologie and Management, 1994, pp.11l-l19.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Strategic Management based on Relationship Building, Systemist, Vol.15, No.3, 1993, pp.l67-l73.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, A Potentiality of Soft Systems Methodology As a Device of Intervention on Strategy formulation, CEMlT92/CECOIA3, 1993.
Kohta, J. A. Bird, T Negoro and S. Fujita, Managerial Perceptions of Manufacturing Technologies: American and Japanese Contrasts, CEMlT92/CEC0IA3, 1993.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Critique of ‘Total Systems Intervention’: Ten Questions, Sanno College Bulletin, 1992, pp.89-117.
Ono, Keinosuke and Tatsuyuki Negoro, The Strategic Management of Manufacturing Businesses, 3ACorporation, 1992.
Negoro, Tatsuyuki, Examination of the Concept of Key Factor for Success from a Systems Thinking Perspective, M.C.Jackson et all eds., SYSTEMS THINKING IN EUROPE, Plenum Press, 1991, pp.l77-182.

Jeff Volinski
At Kearney, Jeff is focused on leading his clients through pivotal moments of change. He advises leaders in the healthcare, consumer goods, and high tech sectors on a range of strategic issues including cross-border growth and transformation. Jeff has lived and worked in the US, the UK, Singapore, China, and Japan and brings a cross-cultural approach to his relationships and work.
Intensely curious about the world and our role in it, Jeff has pursued a wide range of life experiences that inform his approach to building whole-person leaders. He completed an MBA from Columbia Business School, an MIA from The School of International and Public Affairs, and an MPP from The University of Tokyo. Prior to his role at Kearney, Jeff worked as an aerospace engineer, a teacher, and development practitioner. He loves learning languages, exploring the outdoors, and understanding the mind through meditation and science.
Other Affiliations
Principal, A.T.Kearney
Area of Expertise
Corporate and start-up growth strategy / Healthcare and consumer technology / International business / Mindful leadership
Research Seminar for Individual Projects

Ayako Sonoda
Established Cre-en Inc., a marketing company run by women, in 1988. Started its Environment and CSR business in 1995, which has expanded into supporting over 800 companies through consulting and reporting services in the area of CSR management, SDGs, long-term scenario analysis, and more.
Other Affiliations
Representative Director & Chairman, Cre-en Incorporated.
Representative Director, Mirai RITA Foundation (Public Interest Incorporated Foundation)
Secretary-General, Sustainability Forum Japan (Specified Nonprofit Corporation)
Outside Director, MITSUBISHI ESTATE CO., Ltd.
Outside Director, LOTTE CO., Ltd.
Director, ALLIANCE FOR THE BLUE (General Incorporated Association)
Director, Japan Sustainable Investment Forum (Specified Nonprofit Corporation)
Area of Expertise
CSR communication; Sustainability / Integrated reports; and CSR / SDGs consulting
Corporate Sustainability Innovation and Intrapreneurship

Wong Lai Yong
Dr Wong Lai Yong is the founder, principal trainer and consultant of First Penguin Sdn. Bhd. in Penang, Malaysia.
She helps organizations through her speaking, consulting and training on sustainability matters as she believes that it is important now more than ever to align personal and corporate purpose to the world at large. Focusing on purpose and people enables an organization to fully demonstrate its values and principles of doing business while doing good.
Dr Wong is a “connector” between Japan, Malaysia and Asia, speaking multiple languages such as Japanese, English, Malay, Cantonese, Hokkien and Mandarin.
She sits on boards in Japan (such as Nitto Denko Corporation) and in Malaysia (Penang Women’s Development Corporation), providing expertise and experience to create more exciting opportunities for women and youth as well as drive sustainability matters forward. Her work has been featured extensively in the Japanese and Malaysian media.
She gives lectures on sustainability topics as the Adjunct Associate Professor at Japan’s Shizenkan University. She is also the Deputy Director at the Center for Sustainability and Innovation of the same university. The center aims to turn the world’s most urgent social and environmental challenges into new and exciting opportunities.
For her contribution towards Japan, she was conferred the 2016 Asia Pacific Shining Women award by the Japanese Cabinet Office (equivalent to the Prime Minister’s Office in Malaysia). She is also the founding member and current president of the Malaysian Rotary Yoneyama Alumni Association.
Other Affiliations
Founder, First Penguin Sdn Bhd
Board Member, Nitto Denko Corporation
Area of Expertise
International management, intercultural communication.

Daniel van Wassem
Prior to joining BCG, Daniel worked at Rakuten, the leading EC marketplace in Japan, and at another strategy consulting firm.
Daniel has broad experiences in consulting and industry across Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, with a focus on developing strategies and infrastructure leveraging digital capabilities. Recently, he specializes in delivering breakthrough business results for clients through artificial intelligence, statistics, and machine learning.
Degrees in:
Physics & Astrophysics from Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
International Politics from Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan)
Other Affiliations
Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
Area of Expertise
artificial intelligence, statistics, and machine learning
Individual Projects

Yasunori Iwanaga
Yas Iwanaga is CRIO at Amundi Japan from July 2020. Prior to joining Amundi Japan in July 2014 as CIO, he spent 13 years at BlackRock Japan (formerly Barclays Global Investors). Yas graduated from the law faculty of Hitotsubashi University, earned his MBA from the Wharton School, the University of Pennsylvania, and Ph.D. in finance from EDHEC Risk Institute. He is a CFA charterholder.
Other Affiliations
Amundi Japan Ltd.
Chief Responsible Investment Officer
Area of Expertise
Asset Pricing, Behavioral Finance
Leadership and Decision Making

Kunihiko Tano
After completing MFA Theater Directing at Middlesex University (London, England), he has been one of the associate directors of SEINENDAN Theater Company since April 2002. In addition to his activities as a director, he has been working as a Workshop Designer, planning and implementing collaborative workshops that combine a wide range of social themes and Drama/Theater, with local governments, educational institutions and companies, all over the country.
Theater credits as a director include; "Twelfth Night" "A Midsummer Night's Dream" "Julius Caesar" and "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, Matthew Dunster's "You Can See The Hills", Garry McNair "A Gambler's Guide to Dying", Operetta "The Merry Widow", Mono-Opera "La Voix humaine" by Francis Poulenc, Broadway Musical "GYPSY", etc.
Other Affiliations
Theater Director / Workshop Facilitator
Associate Professor, Musical Course of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music
Associate Director, SEINENDAN Theater Company / RoMT
Chairman, Non-Profit Organization PAVLIC
Area of Expertise
Theatrical Education
Group Workshop I: Performing Arts ‒ A Window to Rediscover the World

Naonori Kimura
Naonori Kimura’s activities include numerous advisory services such as corporate strategies including breakthroughs, strategy shifts and re-growth initiatives. He has advised clients on business management streamlining, structural reforms, financial strategy, new business development, M&A strategies, and cost competitiveness. He is currently Chairman & President of IGPI (Shanghai) Ltd. and outside director of Molten Corporation and Relia, Inc.. He is also Advisory board member of The Japan Times ESG consortium.
Prior to IGPI, he launched a venture business, worked with NCR Japan and later at Towers Perrin and Arthur D. Little Japan.
He graduated from Keio University, School of Economics, and holds an MBA from the University of Leicester and an MS in Finance from the Lancaster University. He also completed AMP in Harvard Business School.
Other Affiliations
Industrial Growth Platform, Inc.
Area of Expertise
Corporate Transformation
Managing Business Turnaround
Akira Ishikawa
1988 Joined Recruit Co.
1993-2000 Engaged in new business development as Manager of New Business Development Office, Recruit Co.
2000-2009 Participated in the founding of All About, Inc. Listed on JASDAQ in 2005.
In 2010, he founded Incubator Inc. He has helped more than 100 companies, mainly large corporations, with a total of 2,000 projects and more than 4,000 employees to start new businesses within their companies.
He is the author of “Hajimete-no Shanai Kigyo” (2015), "New Business Workbook" (2017), and "DeepSkill" (2022).
Other Affiliations
Incubator Inc., New Business Consultant
Area of Expertise
Business Development
Entrepreneurship and Business Start-up

Nalin Advani
Nalin has held leadership and investor roles at global technology powerhouses such as WindRiver, eSOL, Barco, and GreyOrange, with two successful IPOs from his portfolio. He currently serves on the Board of Directors at BIPROGY Inc, traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Born and raised in Yokohama, Japan, Nalin holds a Masters Degree from UCLA Anderson School of Management, and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the National University of Singapore. Apart from his professional involvement, Nalin has served on the Board of Directors at Yokohama Junior Chamber and was the 50th President of the organization in 2001. He is a Founding Charter Member of TiE Japan, serves as Vice Chairman of the Yokohama India Centre, and is a practicing Sogetsu Ikebana artist.
Other Affiliations
Independent Director, BIPROGY Inc.
Co-Founder, Entomo Pte Ltd
Guest Lecturer, National Uniiversity of Singapore
President, TiE Japan
Director, Yokohama India Center
Area of Expertise
Technology, IoT, Robotics, Logistics, Business Strategy, Startups
AI and Digital Literacy

Yuichiro Yoshinari
In 1996, joined Mitsubishi Corporation and was assigned to the Aerospace Department, where he engaged in the satellite business. In 2002, he proposed, established, and was seconded to Jicoux Datasystems Inc. , a wholly-owned in-house venture of Mitsubishi Corporation that provides location-based services (for 7 years). In 2009, he returned to the head office and transferred to the Metals Group, where he engaged in the resource (metallurgincal coal) business. He was assigned to Mitsubishi Development Pty Ltd in Australia, where he was responsible for mine and port development and overall JV operations in the BMA (BHP Mitsubishi Alliance), a JV business with BHP (as VP, Planning & Coordination). In 2014, he returned to the head office and became the deputy manager in charge of the Escondida copper mine in Chile. In 2016, he was assigned to the Silicon Valley branch, where he led startup investments (CVC), innovation activities, new business creation, digital transformation (DX), and design thinking training. He has deep knowledge of the EV and battery industry trends from his experience attending the board meetings of startup companies and his activities in the decarbonization field. In addition to his main job, he has conducted design thinking coaching for over 60 classes and more than 1,700 people both inside and outside the company (including the University of Tokyo, Waseda Business School, SoftBank, and Tokyo Marine HD), and has given lectures on innovation and entrepreneurship (Waseda University Graduate School, Kyoto University Graduate School of Management, Nagoya Commerce University Business School, Kanda University of International Studies), served as a training instructor and panelist (Innovation Education Association), and a judge at hackathons (Komatsu Ltd.).
Other Affiliations
Head of New Business Development, Industrial Digital Transformation Group, Mitsubishi Corporation
Adjunct Researcher, Global Strategic Leadership Research Institute, Waseda University
Ph.D. in Social Science(Waseda University), MBA(Waseda University, Honors), M.Eng in Mechanical Engineering(Waseda University)
Area of Expertise
Experience: Aeropace Business, Digital Business, Natural Resources, Startup Investment(CVC), M&A, Business Creation
Major: Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, Design Management, International Business, Japanese Trading Companies(Sogo Shosha)
Individual Project 1, 2

Paul Thurston
Paul Thurston is an Adjunct Professor at Waseda University Graduate School of Accountancy and Aoyama Gakuin Graduate School of Professional Accountancy and a certified public accountant. Paul has over 30 years of practical accounting and auditing experience as an audit partner with Deloitte (1990-2009) and EY (2009-2019). He specializes in IPOs, cross-border offerings, and other strategic transactions. His industry expertise includes technology, trading companies, automotive, and pharmaceutical companies.
Other Affiliations
CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
Adjunct professor, Waseda University Graduate School of Accountancy
Adjunct professor, Aoyama Gakuin Graduate School of Professional Accountancy
Area of Expertise
Accounting, auditing, capital market transactions, including IPOs and cross-border offerings
Financial Analysis and Levers for Managerial Control

Sapna Masih Advani
Sapna Masih Advani is the founder of a leadership and corporate culture consultancy based in Japan and Singapore. She heads its C-Suite Executive Coaching practice and works with senior leaders globally, helping them manage complexity and effectively lead change.
Sapna also partners with business schools to design and deliver Asia immersion programs that allow executives to deep-dive into the Asian business environment and understand its complexities.
Having lived and worked across Asia for over 30 years, Sapna has deep experience of business practices and leadership culture around the Region. Being one of the earliest interculturalists in the Region, her work is rooted in the cross-cultural aspects of talent acquisition, deployment, development, and retention. Her vision is to broaden the pipeline of executives capable of leading businesses in Asia’s growing and fast-changing environment.
Sapna holds a PhD in American Literature and two Masters degrees. She is a certified Executive Coach, and a qualified administrator of key global leadership assessments.
Other Affiliations
C-Suite Coach, Leadership & Culture Consultant, Academic Program Director
Area of Expertise
Leadership & Culture
C-level Executive Coaching
Academic Program Design, Delivery, and Facilitation
Corporate Leadership and Culture Surveys & Consulting
Self Leadership - Aspiration and Pragmatism

Tomo Yamane
May2010 HEC Paris (MBA)
May2010 Joined Chikaranomoto Company
Nov.2012 Executive Officer
Apr.2018 Corporate Strategy Department Head
Apr.2020 Director, Watanabe Seimen
Jun.2020 Director and Chief Strategy Officer
Jul.2021 Director, Chikaranomoto Global Holdings Pte. Ltd.
Apr.2023 Representative Director and Chief Executive Officer
Area of Expertise
Business Plan, Business Development, International Business, Strategy
Creating a Business Plan and Business Model,Financial Analysis and Levers for Managerial Control

Minoru Fukuda
Minoru has more than 17 years of experience as a management consultant across ASIA. Prior to joining A.T. Kearney, Minoru worked at Dentsu Soken (formerly Information Service International Dentsu) and Roland Berger. Minoru is the APAC co-leader of the Consumer Goods and Retail practice at A.T.Kearney.
Minoru engaged in consulting in strategy development, brand management, green transformation, and DX, focusing on lifestyle areas such as apparel and textiles, luxury, beauty, retail, and online services. Minoru also has extensive experience in supporting private equity and startups in the above areas.
Minoru holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Keio University and an MBA from IESE Business School. His publications include “2040-nen Apparel no Mirai: Creating Sustainable, Recycling and Regenerative Businesses in a ‘Growthless World’” (Toyo Keizai Shinposha, Inc.).
Other Affiliations
Senior Partner, A.T. Kearney
Area of Expertise
Leads consumer goods & retail practice in APAC at Kearney/ Brand management/ Marketing/ Sustainablity/ DX
Marketing: Principles and Practices

Hideo Matsue
Graduated from the Graduate School of Public Management, Waseda University Executive Officer at Deloitte Tohmatsu Group
Executive Member of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives), Chairperson of the "Economic, Fiscal, Financial, and Social Security Committee" Director of the International Strategic Management Research Society
Regular commentator on Fuji TV's news program "Live News α"
Possesses extensive experience across industry, government, academia, and media, with expertise ranging from micro to macro perspectives, covering corporate management strategy and organizational transformation to policy recommendations on economic policy.
Has served as a policy committee member for various study groups at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Cabinet Office.
Other Affiliations
Professor at Graduate School of Social Design Studies
Visiting Professor at Graduate School of Project Design
Visiting Professor at Chuo University Business School, Graduate School of Strategic Management
Area of Expertise
Management Strategy, Organizational Transformation, Economic Policy, Circular Economy
Selected Publications
"Growth Strategy of Value Circulation: Japan’s Future Vision with Shining Individuals under Population Decline" (Planning, Supervision, Co-authorship) (Nikkei BP, 2024)
"Value Circulation Moves Japan: A New Growth Strategy to Overcome Population Decline" (Planning, Supervision, Co-authorship) (Nikkei BP, 2023)
"Japan’s Growth Strategy of 'Beyond Self-Sufficiency'" (Shinchosha, 2022)
"Digital Management in the Age of Polarization: Co-authored - Future Business Strategies for Surviving the Post-Corona Era" (Diamond Inc., 2020)
"Management Strategy of Self-Transformation: Three Chains for Sustaining Growth" (Diamond Inc., 2015) and many others

Sakthikumar Dasappan Nair
Prof. D. Sakthi Kumar (www.drsakthikumar.com) currently working as Professor in Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University, Kawagoe, Saitama, Japan. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in 1989,1991,1998 respectively from Mahatma Gandhi University of Kerala, India and Post Graduate in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI-ML) at University of Texas, Austin in 2020, MBA in Design and Leadership for Social Innovation from Shizenkan University in 2023. After receiving his Ph.D.; he worked as research associate at the Thin Film Laboratory, Dept. of Physics, IIT Delhi, India. He joined BNERC after winning prestigious JSPS, Japan postdoctoral fellowship in 2001. He is interested in the research fields such as Nanodrug delivery against cancer, AI application in Nanotechology, Nanotechnology and Biomaterials.
Prof. D. Sakthi Kumar edited 3 books. He is having more than 155 peer reviewed research articles including many review articles (17 publications appeared as cover page articles of leading journals), published many book chapters (21) and having 9 patents in his credit and delivered many plenary and invited talks (30+) in international seminars. Under his guidance 23 students received their doctoral degrees and received many international awards such as IUPAC awards, Tazilla Prank awards, best poster and presentation awards. For his work in biopolymers; The Society of Polymer Science, Japan honoured him with Asia Excellence Award in 2012. Education Excellence Award from Garshom Media Group (2018), STE International Achiever Award (2020) for his work in the field of science He is currently serving as Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) and Frontiers in Nanotechnology.Prof. Sakthi Kumar has been founded and serving as the Chairman of Indian JSPS Alumni Association (IJAA) (www.indianjspsalumni.org) since 2006
Other Affiliations
Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary New Science, Toyo University
Area of Expertise
Nano drug delivery against cancer cells and other diseases, Application of Artificial Intelligence in Nanotechnology, Development of Theragnostic Materials, Nano medical devices, Quantum

Shinji Miyadai
Dr. Miyadai was born in 1959 in Miyagi prefecture. He graduated from the Faculty of Letters, Tokyo University.
He got his Doctorate of Sociology from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Sociology and was an Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo, College of Arts and Science from 1987. In 1990, he was a full-time lecturer at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and in 1993 became an Associate Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University. He worked as an Associate Professor in the Tokyo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Urban Liberal Arts from 2005 and served as Professor from 2007 to March 2024.
While specializing in social system theory, he also became a leading expert in the research of subcultures, such as telekura (テレクラ), kogal (コギャル) and compensated dating (援助交際). He is also active on television and radio, becoming a popular figure on media.
Area of Expertise

David Lau
David Lau is an Associate Professor at Waseda Business School and a certified public accountant. His research interests are in the areas of auditing, corporate disclosure, finance, and governance, and he has published in several academic research articles in several notable journals including Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking & Finance, Meditari Accountancy Research, International Journal of Auditing, Journal of The Japanese and International Economies, Accounting Research Journal and Pacific Accounting Review.
Other Affiliations
Waseda University
Area of Expertise
Accounting and Corporate Finance
Financial Analysis and Levers for Managerial Control (Numbers)

Kazutoshi Numata
Kazutoshi Numata holds a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Yokohama City University and completed graduate work at the Graduate School of Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba.
Prior to joining DI, he worked for Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.
At Nomura Research Institute, he assisted in the development and execution of growth strategies and sales and marketing strategies for many major companies in the consumer goods, mail-order, food, automotive, energy, and finance sectors.
At DI, he is engaged in the development of growth strategies and new business strategies for major companies and startups in fields such as telecommunications, cosmetics, food, entertainment, finance, automotive, agricultural machinery, and energy. He is also actively engaged in business production, which involves bringing multiple major corporations and startups together to collaborate to launch new businesses.
He is serving concurrently as Representative Director, COO at DI Asia, which is part of the DI group, where he is working on building data and intelligence platforms with a focus on Southeast Asia.
His goal is to embody the image of a business producer who is not confined by the domain of consulting.
Other Affiliations
Executive Officer, Dream Incubator Inc.
Area of Expertise
Business strategy、New Business Plan、Digital Transformation
Individual Project 1, 2

Minami Tsubouchi
Originally from Tokyo, Minami Tsubouchi is an entrepreneur in the field of leadership development with a particular focus on global affairs.
Most recently, she was a Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellow at Yale University, where she focused on how youth can rise out of adversity to make a difference for society in different walks of life. Prior to her time at Yale, she founded BEYOND Tomorrow to support young victims of the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident that hit the northeast coast of Japan in 2011. Believing that great leaders can rise out of adversity, she has supported more than 700 young adults suffering from traumatic experiences to overcome hardship as budding leaders.
Minami started her career at McKinsey & Company, followed by humanitarian assistance work in Afghanistan after the 9/11 terrorist attack. After receiving Master in City Planning from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she worked at World Economic Forum in Switzerland and also in Bahrain during the Arab Spring as a member of the Kingdom’s Economic Development Board. She was awarded Nikkei Woman of the Year 2013 by Nikkei Woman Magazine and was selected as one of the AERA Leaders for 2020 by AERA Magazine, Asahi Shimbun. She has also served on a number of advisory boards and committees for governments and non-profit organizations.
Other Affiliations
Maurice R. Greenberg World Fellow, Yale University
Scott M. Johnson Fellow, U.S.-Japan Foundation
Founder, Global Fund for Education Assistance | BEYOND Tomorrow
Area of Expertise
Global issues, public diplomacy, global leadership, non-profit management, philanthropic fundraising, post-disaster reconstruction

Naoko Ishihara
After working at a bank and a consulting firm, she joined Recruit Works Research Institute in 2001. She worked on research in the field of human resources management and served as the editor-in-chief of the institution's magazine "Works" from 2015 to 2020, and as the Director of the HRM Research Center from 2017 to 2022. In April 2022, she transferred to Exawizards Inc. and became the Director of the Institute of Work, AI & DX. Her specialties include talent management, diversity management, the Japanese employment system, and organizational change. She co-authored the book "Companies Where Women Thrive" (published by Nikkei Bunko) with Yukio Okubo. In recent years, she have focused on research into reskilling necessary for digital transformation. She graduated from Keio University (bachelor of laws.)
Other Affiliations
ExaWizards Inc., Head of Institute of Work, AI &DX
Recruit Co. Ltd., Visiting Researcher for Works Institute
Area of Expertise
Human Reesourece Management, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Development

Ogawa Tatsuhiro
Tatsuhiro Ogawa is an expert in business environment analysis, strategic planning, organization restructuring and M&A support (sourcing, due-diligence, negotiation advisor, and PMI) especially in the Southeastern Asian region. His extensive experience covers a broad range of industries from Food & beverage to Automotive, Consumer products, and Internet services.
Mr. Ogawa connects the Japanese companies/market and the ASEAN companies/market on the basis of value creation. He further contributes to the development of the companies in the ASEAN region with his valuable insights and knowledge from his well-grounded experience in the Japanese consulting industry.
Other Affiliations
Managing Director, Corporate Directions, Inc.
Area of Expertise
Corporate strategy, Business strategy, Transformation, M&A, Global management
Individual Project 1, 2

Takeshi Fujii
Takeshi Fujii is a partner at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting (DTC). After graduating from Keio University Graduate School of Science and Technology, he joined DTC, where he became a partner in 2014. After launching Monitor Deloitte, he has been in charge of Japan Leader since 2018.
Engaged in consulting on corporate&business strategy, management transformation, and innovation design and management in a wide range of industries, with a particular focus on management strategy integrating economic value and social value (CSV) for more than 10 years. His major publications include "CSV Innovation Strategy" (2014) and "Future of Strategy in the SDGs era" (2018).
He joined Shizenkan in 2023, after joined ISL in 2020 and was in charge of the SLP faculty.
Other Affiliations
SVP, Co-Head of Strategic Planning (Uvance), Fujitsu Ltd.
Area of Expertise
corporate/business strategy, corporate transformation, innovation design and management, CSV/sustainability strategy
Individual Project 1, 2

Nanako Kudo
Joined the Nippon Foundation in 2011 and has been involved in various social finance projects including the Japan Venture Philanthropy Fund, Japan National Advisory Board for Global Steering Group for Impact Investment, and development of Social Impact Bond projects. She established SIIF as a spin-out from the Nippon Foundation in 2017 and became a Member of Executive Committee, overseeing all aspects of the business, including impact investment and support for social entrepreneurs. Previously, she worked in the investment field at the Japanese trading company Mitsui&Co, and involved in housing projects as summer associate with Acumen Fund Pakistan. She has a master's degree in International Development and Social Change from Clark University, US.
Other Affiliations
Member of Executive Committee, Japan Social Innovation and Investment Foundation (SIIF)
Member of Executive Committee, Soil Foundation
Area of Expertise
Impact Investing, Impact Business
Creating Impact Business and Ecosystems

Yoshitaka Tabuchi
After leaving Nissho Iwai Corporation (now Sojitz Corporation), Yoshi has been involved in domestic and international impact investing at LGT Venture Philanthropy (an impact investment institution founded by the princely family of Liechtenstein), Social Investment Partners, Social Innovation and Investment Foundation, and others. He specializes in business conceptualization, management support, and overseas partner formation based on his global experience and industrial-academic network. Yoshi is also the East Asia Jury President of The Cartier Women's Initiative.
Other Affiliations
Co-founder, Zebras and Company Inc.
Co-lead, Tokyo Zebras Unite
Board Member of Zebras Unite, USA
Area of Expertise
Zebra company, Impact investing, Global Business, Business planning, Finance
Creating Impact Business and Ecosystems

Junichi Sato
Change Maker, working on systemic change in business and civil society to address environmental and climate change issues.
After graduating from the University in the United States, he spent 15 years working for an international environmental NGO before becoming the Senior Director of Environmental and Social Initiatives for Patagonia Japan, Inc.
He is currently the Japan Program Director of the Tara Climate Foundation, a foundation dedicated to mitigating climate change in Asia, and the Representative Director of the Japan Climate Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering human resources in the field of climate change.
Other Affiliations
Tara Climate Foundation, Japan Program Director
Japan Climate Alliance, Representative Director
Area of Expertise
Evnironment, Climate Change, Corporate Responsibility, Civil Society, NGO
What is a Company For?: Exploring Relationships Among Business Enterprise, Market and Society

Koichiro Taguchi
In McKinsey & Company, he serves Japanese manufacturing clients to support their company-wide transformation. He leads end-to-end transformation from strategy setting and its execution to operational improvement.
He joined McKinsey as a new graduate, then left the firm to join Marubeni, where he took part in several overseas investments in natural resources. After Marubeni, he worked at JAXA on research and analysis, and then he re-joined McKinsey.
Other Affiliations
McKinsey & Company Partner
Area of Expertise
Company-wide transformation, Strategy setting and execution of it

Saia Mimuro
Interested in capitalism and business as mechanisms to balance economic and social value, I aspired to become a management consultant. As a partner in the strategy area of Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting / Monitor Deloitte, I mainly craft visions, strategies, and businesses based on megatrends, and support long-term oriented management.
Other Affiliations
Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC
Area of Expertise
Corporate strategy, Business strategy, Innovation and Corporate transformation based on Megatrends
Individual Project 1, 2

Yusuke Yoshizawa
Yusuke Yoshizawa started his career as a Data Scientist and currently is a Partner at Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting (DTC). He is the core member of DTC Digital Strategy, AI Strategy, and Growth Strategy practices.
In recent years, he has primarily focused on projects centered around DX strategy and business and organizational transformation with the use of technologies such as generative AI, innovation management, and M&A related to digital companies. He is advocating a manegement system and culture for evidence-based decision-making in corporate activities.
Other Affiliations
Partner, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC.
Area of Expertise
Digital Transformation, Marketing, Innovation Management, Data Science, Data-Driven Management, Evidence Based Policy Making
DX and Platform Strategy

Ryukichi Miyabayashi
As a Senior Director in the R&D department at Dentsu, engaged in investments and business development for technology companies both domestically and internationally. After establishing a VC specializing in data technology, joined JAFCO, the largest VC in Japan. Outside of work, serves as a faculty member at the Graduate School of Project Design and a board member of the Japan Marketing Academy, bridging practice and academia. Authored books include "Understanding Intercultural Management as a Business Strategy" and "Marketing Practice Textbook" (JMAM). Holds a Doctor in Business Administration from Hitotsubashi University and an MBA from IESE Business School.
Other Affiliations
IMD Country Associate Director
Area of Expertise
Cross Cultural Leadership、Entrepreneurship、Venture Investment、Marketing
Global Management: Strategy, Organization and Leadership

Sari Shimizu
Sari Shimizu is a certified IT Strategist who initiated the career as a software architect and developer at IBM Software Development Laboratory. She later transitioned to managing an IT consulting company with a focus on helping organizations leverage data analytics to drive strategic decision-making. Since joining Deloitte in 2020, Sari has specialized in AI-Fueled Transformation propositions. Additionally, she is an active member of Deloitte AI Institute where she focuses on AI Governance and Ethics. Her latest publication is the Japanese co-translation of the book "Trustworthy AI". She holds a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Tokyo.
Other Affiliations
Director, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC.
Area of Expertise
IT Strategy, AI-Fueled Transformation, Digital Transformation
DX and Platform Strategy

Katsuhiko Handa
After working at Hakuhodo and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners, he became an executive officer at Dream Incubator.
In April 2024, he founded Chikai Inc.
At Hakuhodo DY Group, he was mainly responsible for new business development, and in-house founded F1 Media, which operates Tokyo Girls Collection, and became its CEO.
At Dream Incubator, he is in charge of the investment and consulting departments. He also participates in the management of the companies he invests in (CEO of Peaks/Director of Boardwalk)
Master's degree in business administration from the Graduate School of Business Administration at Keio University
Other Affiliations
Chikai Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President
Dream Incubator Co., Ltd. Fellow
Director of Mobcast Holdings Co., Ltd.
Area of Expertise
Management strategy, new business development, marketing
Individual Project

Nobuko Tabata
Nobuko Tabata is a Partner at Egon Zehnder and advises Japanese and multinational companies on corporate governance and talent strategy, including CEO succession, executive assessment and development. She is also active in the firm’s family business practice.
Before joining Egon Zehnder, Nobuko worked with McKinsey & Company. Previously, she was in a management position within her family-owned business. Nobuko has also taught at TAC Co., Ltd., Japan’s leading school for CPAs, and has worked as an auditor for Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC. She also served as Manager for the Japan Gender Parity Task Force at the World Economic Forum.
Nobuko has a Bachelor of Economics from Keio University, an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, and is a certified public accountant.
Other Affiliations
Partner, Egon Zehnder
Area of Expertise
Management Consulting
Self Leadership - Aspiration and Pragmatism

Choelsoon Park
Professor Choelsoon Park joined Shizenkan in 2023. Prior to that, he was Professor of Strategy and International Business at the Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration at Seoul National University as well as a faculty member of London Business School. He also served as Associate Dean of Seoul National University Business School. He has a BA Degree in Economics from Seoul National University and received his PhD from Graduate School of Business, Columbia University.
Professor Park’s research focuses on Strategic Management. He has published academic articles in world class journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning and the Journal of World Business. In 1996, his paper at the Academy of Management Journal was awarded as the “Best Article in the Academy of Management Journal for the Year of 1994.”
Along with his academic work, Professor Park has served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors at Shinhan Bank, and has also worked as an outside director, an advisor, or a committee member at the government and major Korean companies, including Samsung Group, Lotte Group, LG Group, SK Group, Hyundai/Kia Automobile Group, POSCO, and Shinhan Financial Group.
Area of Expertise
Strategic Management

Motoki Asai
Motoki is an Executive Coach and a Director of an ICF certified coaching school. He has coached executives and leaders internationally and trained 100+ coaches in Japan.
He is passionate about supporting executives and leaders to embrace authenticity and maximize their impact so they can lead well.
Prior to coaching, he was a professional in the field of sports medicine and treated 1000+ athletes. Because of this experience, his coaching also utilizes neuroscience and behavioral psychology, resulting in deeper transformation.
He is an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), Developmental Sprint® Facilitator, and a coach to many professional coaches. He is also a Life Languages communication coach, utilizing an assessment tool specialized in communication among families, teams, and companies.
Other Affiliations
Area of Expertise
Leadership Development, Relationship Development, Coaching
Discovering Your Core by Confronting Yourself

Yuka Shimokawa
Since 2018, Yuka has been active as a member of the Keio University Global Research Institute, working alongside Professor Jiro Tamura in guiding research on negotiation and leadership. Previously, she worked at the Milken Institute, where she expanded the Institute's network in Japan. She played a key role in establishing strategic partnerships that furthered the Institute's goals, primarily focusing on engaging institutional investors, philanthropists, family offices, and young leaders. Yuka began her career in the Investment Banking Division at Bank of America, specializing in the technology sector. She holds a master's degree from the UC Berkeley School of Law and is a licensed lawyer in New York.
Other Affiliations
Keio Leadership Center
Keio University Global Research Institute
y's Tree
Area of Expertise
Negotiation, and Leadership Basics
Leadership and Negotiation
吉川克彦Katsuhiko Yoshikawa
枝廣淳子Junko Edahiro
野田智義Tomo Noda
塩川哲也Tetsuya Shiokawa
三谷宏幸Hiroyuki Mitani
橋爪大三郎Daisaburo Hashizume