New Publication: Shizenkan Lecture Series Vol. 2. New book by President and Chair Tomoyoshi Noda, “Contextual Management”
Press release

Tomoyoshi Noda, President and Chair of Shizenkan University, will publish a new book (in Japanese), “Contextual Management: Harnessing Individuality to Enhance the Quality of Management” (コンテクスト・マネジメント 個を活かし、経営の質を高める ), the second volume in the Shizenkan Lecture Series, on September 21, 2023.



■ Title: “Contextual Management: Harnessing Individuality to Enhance the Quality of Management” (コンテクスト・マネジメント 個を活かし、経営の質を高める ) (Shizenkan Lecture Series) 

■ Author: Tomoyoshi Noda 

■ Release Date: September 21, 2023 (Thursday) 

■ Price: 3,520 yen including tax 

■ ISBN: 978-4334100582



Shizenkan Lecture Series 

This series is based on lectures taught in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program offered by Shizenkan University. 

In these books, Shizenkan shares with the readers how we encourage our students to confront society, the world, and themselves, and the educational methods we use to do so. Our goal is to change the paradigm of leadership education worldwide by gaining the sympathy and trust of many. Other books in the series are planned.


Graduate School of Leadership and Innovation, Shizenkan University

Shizenkan University, with a campus in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, is a business school that opened in 2018. It is a holistic management leadership institution that produces humanistic and socially responsible leaders who drive innovation and change, and offers a two-year, part-time MBA program with classes held on weekday evenings and weekends. The Master of Business Administration program at Shizenkan is designed with a unique educational philosophy and approach based on respect for humanity to help students develop into whole-person leaders who have the skills of management professionals who can lead change and creativity, while also possessing human and social skills.


■For inquiries, please contact the Administrative Office of Shizenkan University.


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